Post-Rational Constructivism
What is meant by “Post-Rational”?
I’m inclined to think of the quasi-mythical philosopher, Diogenes of Sinope, as the founder of post-rationalism. He’s best known for the stunt where he carried a lamp in the market, searching for an honest man.
He’s also widely considered the inventor of the rubber chicken shtick. He reportedly flung a plucked chicken, a real one as rubber hadn’t been invented yet, before Plato in the Symposium.
Plato had been very proud of his compact definition of man as a “featherless biped.” While these two traits did, doubtlessly, attach with some incidental significance, one might wonder if the essence of humanity can be fully captured by the absence of feathers, or upright stance. These statements may be true, but do they hold verity? Is it a useful definition, delivering the essential sine qua non of human uniqueness? Is it relevant to the reason for devising a formal definition in the first place?
Can it be debunked with a simple joke?
Diogenes is, by far, my favorite philosopher from that Hellenistic heyday of philosophy. He scorned the mores and applied a savage wit to his theatrical hijinks. This skepticism of the weaker conceits of reason is what is meant here by “Post-Rationalism.”
What is meant by “Constructivism?”
Constructivism would be the notion that collective concepts exist as “social constructs”. These are agreements we make, culturally, to believe certain ideas, and to assert particular status realities.
So our basic essential premise, the initial axiom, is that truth is a social construct, and therefore, all statements about truth, including this one, are also social constructs.
A social construct can be considered the framing of idea that makes it portable between minds. A social construct is neither inherently true or false; it is a reflection of the collective subjective interpretation of observations.
How do we obtain information on which we construct the idea of truth?
There is conventional information, which is supplied by other people and institutions. We take this on faith, or fail to, depending on our trust in such people and institutions.
There is instrumental data, which is comprised of measurements taken by seismographs or spectrographs or audio and video recordings. These instruments record frequency and amplitude in precise detail, and these findings are generally summarized and disseminated in abridged form, becoming part of conventional information.
And lastly, there are personal, experiential observations mitigated through senses: events that a given individual has personally seen or heard, what is legally known as eyewitness evidence.
Regardless of the source of data, it is inevitably processed through the subjective sense mechanism of each individual’s nervous system.
Each of these sources have two notable issues: incompleteness, and the possibility of bias. Whereas the data itself might be accurate, the reason for collecting it may be in doubt. The meaning of the information, the interpretation of it, may be affected by biases.
This is further complicated by the ideological dissemination of information, which includes bad-faith framing for power and profit.
So one might say “data is truth”. But was the data honestly collected? Does it mean what the presumed interpretation suggests? And is there enough missing to potentially outweigh the small sampling offered?
This is why we prefer to refer to “verity”, as opposed to “truth”.
Why Post-Rational
It’s impossible to say who the first post-rational philosopher may have been, but Diogenes of Sinope is a good candidate.
Philosophers have long sought, as the central premise of the endeavor, to derive immutable truths. The so-called “Age of Reason” was a reformation effort, seeking to prioritize the logical process as key to obtaining truth.
During the 20th century, philosophers became increasingly dissatisfied with the weakness of rational thought. It depends on premises, each of which is accepted on the basis of further nested premises. Reason is a house of cards resting on the flimsiest of tightropes. It is difficult indeed to prove absolute axioms such that no dubious assumptions are ventured.
The advance of this direction of thought, in the wake of Existentialism, has been termed “post-modern”; but this term, an academic social construct, we find problematical for several reasons.
It has become associated with fuzzy thinking and loose truth, and, no wonder, for the term itself is somewhat nonsensical and lacking perspective. What could possibly be “post-modern”? As modernity is a measure of recency, moving perpetually like the hands of a clock, it makes little sense to declare anything to subsequent to it.
While also putting some distance from any ideas so branded, one might consider that that “post-rational” is a better way to describe some of the ways of considering the process of assessing verity.
Put together, Post-Rational Constructivism is meant to address these issues and provide a novel paradigm for the consideration of verity, utility, and relevance.
1. All premises are provisional
2. Priorities come first.
3. Always choose from among alternatives
The Optimal and All-Case Scenario
Nothing unreal exists
The primacy of subjective experiential reality
Skin in the game: Objective truth ought to be considered unknowable, because no observer is without biases and limitations. Such and observer would have neither means nor motivation to communicate such absolute truth, as any such motivation would constitute bias.
Science and Post-Rationalism
The essential premise of Rational philosophy is that truth is discernible through the scientific method. As a pure ideal, that works quite well, and as a practical approach to developing technology, it has worked wonders.
We do not abandon reason, or the scientific method, for the sake of being post-rational. These are methods for transcending the limitations of logic, for navigating the paradoxes it produces.
Some of these limitations derive from the nature of science itself. The process contains certain assumptions that are not epistimologically sound.
For example, it is considered unscientific to propose an hypothesis which is not falsifiable; that is, there must be some test capable of disproving the proposal. While this is a fine filter for deciding what gets published in journals or who qualifies for laboratory privileges, there is a problem.
What if the truth is not falsifiable? What if the Sun, and indeed all stars, were blazing nuclear-powered intelligent entities, existing at a scale so vast in comparison to us that mutual recognition or communication were impossible? What test could disprove this thesis? What evidence would satisfy a skeptic?
Now the scientist would devise tests, based on their own expectations and premises. Perhaps one, being adventurous, would present a pattern that that demonstrated the presence of consciousness in the cycle of sunspots.
Would they then be able to prove that the Sun thinks? That the sun uses language? Or would we then regress into a discussion of whether these were simply natural patterns which seem to mirror intelligence because these are the very patterns our own evolution is based on?
Data alone is not enough to determine essential verities. How was the data collected? In what ways might it be incomplete? And what biases, what presuppositions are being used to frame interpretations?
Of course, scientists are trained to consider these details, but also strongly motivated to ignore them. Most scientific papers contain a section on the limitation of the study design, all the ways in which the conclusion might be undermined by the choices made my the experimental team.
These caveats rarely enter into the mind of the masses, who are satisfied to say “Science Says….” and be done with the matter.
The problem is not so much with science, or even with scientists, who freely admit such limitations, but the way scientific results enter the conventional sphere. Science is slanted, by grant-seeking behavior and funding, but also by subtle world-view premises and the power of sensationalism.
“Truth by Science” is a very popular method of declaring status reality, but “Science” does not form opinions. Scientists form these opinions, under the weight of their own self-interest, the dogmas of their field, and the very pressing financial incentives to provide results desired by government and industry.
To subscribe to the authority of Scientists, without an understanding of their methods and limitations, is an argument from authority, which is a logical fallacy. A belief in “peer review” is as faith-based as a belief in the College of Cardinals to select an infallible Pope.
To subscribe to the collective weight of such scientists, to assume that their institutional process is reliable enough to substitute for individual contemplation of the matter, is an argument from popularity, another notable logical fallacy.
The argument for a scientific truth rests on fallacies. It’s fallacies all the way down.
The Gordian Knot and Alexander’s Sword of Simplicity
Consciousness and causality as a dimension
Psychodynamics and the transcendent psychology of PRC
Object vs Process
It’s half past when what should have been
Silly Jack rabbit’s running late
As a quintessential tribunal convened
To irony out my fate
Ye stand accused of high treason
And torturing poor reason
Yes, charged with killing time
It’s bend the knee or sail the sea
And walk the plank without a rhyme
Swinging from a Gordian knot
Withered by glares of thousand mile stares
Twin imposters bound and gagged on the altar
Banished forever from both hide and hair
Sentinel waves rising and sinking
The clouds are grooving and the moon is winking
The fortunes are legion and plots are Cartesian
Arguing with oracles was none too wise
Falling through cracks and untold seasons
But like Socrates, I ain’t here to apologize
So now it’s Dublin or nothing
Those Heros, zeros, and Neros
Egos roasted at the stake
The story is left to the dreamer who knows
It’s persist or perish at the whim of the wake
Darkness spans horizons and large winds blow
Luck is easier to break than to make
The wild tides fall as fast they rose
Escaping with a splatter and a shake
Spirits in a decanter
A message in a flask
Flickering shadows answer
What the lens of senses ask
With all these splintered eyes to see
In the night lies dawn’s stark destiny
There’s a ghost in the host
As ready as I’ll never be
Yearning and returning to hopes of being free
There was a genie in that bottle
And that bottle, it was me
E=MCC unlocked by the wings of Mercury
Fabricating space-time through gravity
Synthesizing thought-bombs in the laboratory
Tell me one thing you know to be so
Get tossed by the current or become the flow
And how do you know what you don’t know?
Tell me tales of blood and bone
Conveyed in subtle variations of tone
How do you know what you don’t know?
It’s there in relief like the carving in stone
On which side of history are we now?
Port or starboard, or by and by the bow?
One blink past the last place you’d look
On the first page of an open and dusty book
The wish itself is enchanted
Taken for and being granted
Like a tease trying to keep those options open
But the essence of genius demands devotion
Spirits in a decanter
A message in a flask
Flickering shadows answer
What the lens of senses ask
With all these splintered eyes to see
In the night lies dawn’s stark destiny
There’s a ghost in the host
As ready as I’ll never be
Yearning and returning to hopes of being free
There was a genie in that bottle
And that bottle, it was me
A phantom haunts the tantrum
Moaning and groaning in psychic chains
Rudely insecure and insufferably vain
A why which applies to long forsaken pain
And who is this you? Who is this I?
Is it more than the sum of clandestine motivations
Unburied by diamond mining excavations
Revealed to be nothing more than reaction formations
An interface of inner and outer space
It’s a place to hang your hat on
Look, if we’re we’re being real about it
I is a lie, I do not exist
And yet my head must have somewhere to sit
Spirits in a decanter
A message in a flask
Flickering shadows answer
What the lens of senses ask
With all these splintered eyes to see
In the night lies dawn’s stark destiny
There’s a ghost in the host
As ready as I’ll never be
Yearning and returning to hopes of being free
There was a genie in that bottle
And that bottle, it was me
Sometimes the hardest is to set the scene
Stuck circling the choice of the right shade of green
But picture a priestess fleeing from Truth
A pursuit so relentless and dangerously uncouth
She feared for her virtue, under that wild glare
Paralyzed with fear there wasn’t any truly there
She drew roots and made an alliance with the Earth
To remain unchanged in the face of death and rebirth
Now champions are crowned with her leaves
A fleeting symbol of what the doer achieves
Shades of Daphne on every BS degree
Certificates of higher earning
But tell me now, children, is anyone learning?
We’re going through the motions and inhaling the fumes
Of dark dank abandoned dusty rooms
Stumbling like a pirate dragging a peg
But don’t ya know, a tripod must have three legs
Inside the mirror of meaning
Every answer has a twin
But is your mind open wide enough
To let the Universe in?
Maybe the vision’s real
Or just a trick of the snake
Maybe you’re only dreaming
That you’re actually awake
Ain’t no laurels to rest on
Just a tale to shake
Maybe it’s transparent
Or utterly opaque
All there is is a point of you
A drop in an infinite lake
A tree, see, doesn’t have anywhere else to be
By a brook, in a book, it’s all the same to me
Won’t you meet my sweet friend Subtlety?
Singing lines spun off yesterday’s rhymes
The beating heart of all those endured
For long enough to have some last word
No loyalty to the passing or forthcoming age
No windmills to tilt at or wars to wage
Nostalgia and Novelty aren’t on the same the page
It’s a spot of terrain we guard in our brains
In a narrow passage riddled with chains
Missing the metaphor for the story
Hunkered down in private Purgatories
The Devil’s in the dissonance
Three-headed hounds barking ignorance
None of it makes any difference
Empty the ocean, pail by pail
Vanity and verity aren’t weighed on the same scale
Inside the mirror of meaning
Every answer has a twin
But is your mind open wide enough
To let the Universe in?
Maybe the vision’s real
Or just a trick of the snake
Maybe you’re only dreaming
That you’re actually awake
Ain’t no laurels to rest on
Just a tale to shake
Maybe it’s transparent
Or utterly opaque
All there is is a point of you
A drop in an infinite lake
She hovers over sacred fissures
Flames which jet up and away toward the future
Igniting souls grown jaded and cold
On outmoded notions some profits once sold
And the Magma burns and preserves
The past as much as it deserves
For the surface is history, plowed and frozen
We live in the world where our choices were chosen
Can’t plan a jailbreak with the mind in a cage
If dharma and drama don’t dance on the same stage
It all began innocently enough
Like an out-of-hand poker bluff
Improvised ad-libbed alibis
Losing track of the runaway lies
Little white slips of omission
Piled in a tinderbox awaiting ignition
Making way for stray flames bound
To torch our totems down to the ground
It may seem an abdication
A way to duck an altercation
I owe a ton of explanations
But it’s too sunny for a spat
So you’ll have to take
A raincheck on that
When Echo rode up on a shiny pony
I knew a door was slamming shut
Her purfume smelled of alimony
Oozing tons of I don’t know what
Painted into a corner
By shady evasive maneuvers
No broad brush is fit to cover
The graffiti left by other lovers
It may seem an abdication
A way to duck an altercation
I owe a ton of explanations
But it’s too sunny for a spat
So you’ll have to take
A raincheck on that
Hatchets buried under tons of dirt
Just let it slide and no one gets hurt
This molehill’s much too deep to desert
And I’ll be glad to get out with my shirt
Oh, I know I’m courting disaster
Hell, that’s half the adventure
But until they cure human nature
I’m split in two loving both of you
When Eris asked young Paris
For what will you be embarrassed?
Is it power or wit or lady’s love
Well, he chose the loveliest on earth or above
And for that Troy was destroyed and lost
So who knows what loving you might cost
It may seem an abdication
A way to duck an altercation
I owe a ton of explanations
But it’s too sunny for a spat
So you’ll have to take
A raincheck on that
It was Friday the 13th
The 13th of March
The Ides of March
They closed the world for the weekend
Beware the Ides of March
It’s a good day for a coup
Coo-coo! Coo-Coo!
Wake up! It’s time to go to sleep!
If you can’t be unconscious
You can try counting sheep
Forced quarantine and several fears ago
Twenty-four hours a day
Event 201
Agenda 21
Hindsight 2020
Nineteen Eighty-Four
The clock strikes thirteen!
It’s a novel virus, made out of words
Emerged from the bats, or so we heard
Just down the road from the biological lab
And the commandments handed down on a branded slab
SPARS-Q-T-2 aka The Wuhan Flu
The end of anything else you wanted to do.
So they closed the world for the weekend
Then the plot went completely around the bend
The entire globe summarily penned
As every momentum was made to suspend
Watching the long arm of the law extend
Caught between tomorrow and yesterday
Three lifetimes wasting and waiting away
Three weeks, three months, three pallets of T.P.
That’s nothing to sneeze at
Gesundheit! Stay six feet at bay!
May as well turn on the telescreen
See what else they can pin on that rat-bastard Goldstein
Is it lysol or bleach or hydroxychloroquine?
You’re with us or the virus
And there’s no in between
Helter Shelter
Operation Stockholm Syndrome
But please, let’s not talk about Sweden
Love your jailer
And lock yourself in your home
Here comes Big Tech Big Brother
Stalking your contacts wherever you roam
Hey, you’ve had a little bit too much to think
We’ve placed a 404 Redirect on all your links
Two plus two? You plus you?
Oh, everyone knows: that’s five!
The best time to leave is before you arrive
Giving up living will keep you alive
Double-plus-un-good in the neighborhood
Do you want to be sick? Or well? Orwell?
We’ve been here before, it’s 1984
No, it’s not really a metaphor
And the Nightly Newspeak rattles us more
Than we ever imagined mattering before
The blitz hit…
It hit…
Like a hammerhead hurricane
Wash your hands, we’ll wash your brains
As the rest of reality hydroplanes
Splashing rain on every parade
What can we do to make you afraid?
The phantom menace you can’t evade
Cue up troupes of dancing nurses
With their tacky Tik-Tok routines
Then pan to harrowing scenes
Of cattle car semi-trailer hearses
Breaking news
Freak out on cue
If it bleeds, it leads!
Breaking news
Since the headline is all anyone ever reads
Break the spirit
Break the mind
Break any hope
That freedom might find
Heads the technocrats win
Tails the rest of us lose
Watch while bodies pile high
Don’t you know the end is nigh?
Breathless…Breaking news!
Everyone you know is gonna die
Eventually, you know…
The infection fatality rate for your own DNA is 100%.
True Story.
The models fled down the runways
Clad in invisible robes
Mightier than any monument, but meek unto the microbe
Lies fly and ten times circle the globe
While the truth is still waiting in line
A bio-tech cyber-war with a screenwriter’s design
Filling the air with pathological predictions
And imposing a set of draconian restrictions
Tugging at our nightmares with cataclysmic visions
This psy-op is an absolute masterpiece
They dropped the Apocalypse like a movie release
Bombing the flatlands with inscrutable charts
At which doctor doomsayers launched their darts
No one knows what anyone knew
Confusion streaming from the CDC and the WHO
A million here and a billion there
Soon the profits will be everywhere!
Someone unlocked Pandora’s shabby old box
Guarding the henhouse like a ravenous fox
All bow down before the Saints of Scientism:
Gathered before the dirty windows of the great Pearly Gates
St. Fauci, St. Birx, St. Ferguson, St. Brilliant
Making mayhem of molehill mountain ranges
Blind your eyes as the scenery changes
Immunity? That’s a conspiracy theory…
Freedom? That’s selfish! Back to seclusion!
Where’s your terror? Ivermectin? Unproven!
Hold still for your miracle GMO Frankenjections!
And don’t you dare ask any awkward questions!
How do we know?
Cause So-and-So Said So…
Can I get an Amen and say it again?
There’s a tent revival at the Church of Big Pharma
Trust the Science and parrot the dogma
Did you say “the Science”?
I think it’s pronounced, “compliance.”
Breaking news
They’re covering up the clues
PCR cycles and T-cell truths
Censoring any sort of alternative views
Any word of a cure or an option to choose
Tonight’s gaslight is brought to you courtesy of our sponsors
Gangs of well-funded pharmaceutical mobsters
People are breathless…
The projections are breathless
The prescription is madness
The restrictions are endless
Folks, we don’t know what we’re dealing with here
But trust the experts and put your faith in fear
Simon says stop whatever you’re doing
Your dreams are no longer worth pursuing
Muzzle up and lock it down
Tremble before the cold with a crown
Cluck like a chicken and better beware
Nothing’s more lethal than ordinary air
Except your non-compliant neighbor over there
You ain’t going anywhere
There isn’t even any there there…
Yes, we must, we must,
We must invest our trust
In mighty science, blasting cities to dust
Look to the past and what do we see?
Polonium in the pocket of Marie Curie
Radiant with the glory of chemistry
From DDT and AZT
To filling our brains with mercury
Science sold out to technology
There’s no consensus only choreography
Doctoring the data is just matter of degree
How do you think you get a Phd?
They think they know, but they know not how to think
Dogma is a wine you don’t sniff when you drink
Step in the punch line, that Kool-aid is fine
Never mind those bodies cluttering the shrine
Follow the science, and science follows the money
Toward war and global hegemony
It’s a new twist on a very old story
Make belief in a lie mandatory
What’s really novel is the ammunition
They made the virus into a religion
Communion with biotech innovation
And came with their brand for the whole population
Programming disguised as mass vaccination
And we all want to breathe again
Who doesn’t want to breathe?
Free or otherwise?
Fellow bell-wetherers,
Former fetuses, and nocturnal emissions:
I tell you, there’s a crime currently in commission!
Oh, yes! We’ve been robbed!
Robbed of something that doesn’t exist
Conspicuous in its absence
Yet universally missed
I’m talking about the subjunctive tense
The world as it would be
If the shot-callers and their minions
Gave half a rat’s ass about you and me
Wood, yeah, let’s talk about wood:
Let’s cut to the clear and plunder
With how much wood
Would the world be good
If we wouldn’t have pulped the lumber
To print the Globe and Times
Into wastelands of woodless wonder?
And would we wonder nevertheless
How in the world we ever got into this mess?
Pull yourself up by your bootstrap molasses
Climb the K2 of class mobility
If your numbers didn’t happen to land
When you played the birthday lottery
Well, it’s easier to scale a mountain
Than to pay-scale out of poverty
When all you have to sell is sand
When the Man hands you lemons
And then raids your lemonade stand
We’re being squeezed
Like blood from a turnpike
We’re being squeezed
Like milk from an overwrought udder
We’re being squeezed
Through bursting birth canals
We’re being squeezed
Like an extra commercial on the comedy channel
We’re being squeezed for our attention
Consuming our years and hours
Squeezed for forced allegiance
To the pyramids of power
So by the hearsay vested in me
I declare a state of heresy
I call for a status coup!
Let’s ask the nuclear questions
And set off the hydrogen bomb in the room
Like, did anyone ask if you wanted to be?
To be? To be born in this war-torn reality
Does anyone even think to consult
The preconceived notions
Swimming around in Shrödinger’s ocean?
Hey there, little embryo,
Are you ready to go?
Are you ready to be pedigreed?
To be summoned forth and graded
On your origins instead of your deeds
Are you ready to be delivered
Your brain on a platter
So that zombie faiths can feed?
You’ll probably be assigned
A costume and nominal creed
But if you pray hard enough,
You could be graced with an atheist family
Here’s a name and a number
That’s your identity
So your slack can be tracked
By the appropriating authorities
Be fruit flies and multi-ply
Cause diapers aren’t cheap
And the private jets won’t fly
Without a servant class to keep
We know that there’s too many
But don’t lose any sleep
We’ll need you in the office early
To teach the robots how to sweep
That’s one small footprint for a person
But a massive crater for eight billion
Anyone have some solutions
For this sort of unbalanced equation?
It’s the mother of all problems
An ever-expanding population
Popping out fresh priorities
At the rate of imagination
Fires and floods swallow our cities
Temperatures rise ever faster
Yet we’re only starting to face the reality
That we’re the actual natural disaster
R.S.V.P, 23 & me
Sign up for your pre-fab destiny
Get set with a shiny Ivy League degree
Or else stuck working out a ten-year plea
That’s all more or less foreordained
If we’ll be speaking statistically
Build your castles of silicon sand
Your dreams are in high demand
In the land of lost opportunity
There comes a time when the fabrication
Of the means of production of the next generation
Unravels in the racks of sweatshop looms
Do you smell that elephant lurking in the room?
Looking for a heartbeat and forgetting the heart
Left in abandoned shopping carts
Claiming eminent domain on human terrain
Mining the irony flowing through our veins
Baby chasing bathwater right down the drain
Fate is just another word for nothing left to choose
Pick it! Pick it!
We’ve got ourselves a hostage situation
Pick it! Pick it!
And there’s no womb for negotiation
Pick it! Pick it!
Until we can name some terms and conditions
Those hand-me-down expectations
Can take an extended vacation
We’re raising no buns in this oven
Selling the next dammed generation
Up the river and down the pike
For I’d better be more than a revolving door
Churning out another set of standard deviations
These chromosomes shall undergo no distillations
My mitochondria have gone on labor strike
This uterus will issue no birth certificates
Instead of replicating life, I choose to live it
As a sparkling marvelous art exhibit
Pick it! Pick it! Pick it! Pick it!
You can’t fire me, oh, you can’t fire me, I quit!
Pick it! Pick it!
Yes, Good Morning. What’s that? What’re we mourning this time? Why, the afternoon, gone so soon. Very well, thank you and good night.
What? Maybe you’re not such a good knight, after all. Your chivalry matches my socks. I’m Amana Mission, enigmas wrapped in a riddle, on a mission to incite insight…and subvert the prevailing paradigm.
Who is she talking to? Hey, there’s a bunch of people out there, staring at us! Are we supposed to strip now? No, I think we’re going to present a doctoral dissertation. Wrong, we’re running for office. Empress of the Unimpressed!
Could y’all stifle? We’re here to deliver a sermon on the mons veneris. Excuse me, I’m sorry, some of my personalities are completely clueless.
Can we begin with a moment of silence for all the jokes that flatlined on the way to this microphone? Thank you.
All right! Now, before we get too intimate, I need to level with you. So I went to the clinic, and the test came back positive. Positive means good, right?
Well, the test came back positive-for DNA. Not everyone realizes DNA is an STD. But that’s exactly what’s going on. Deep thoughts.
Hi, I’m the snarky aspiring feminist comic who enjoys awkward innuendos about gynecology. If it “taint” awkward, I’m not involved.
Did I tell you that I discovered the clitoris? Or was it Atlantis that I discovered?
I know, everyone discovered the clitoris, and only most of them are wrong. That elusive love button, the jolly rancher, the epicenter of the earthquake. She waxes and wanes under many names, but few as clinically ghastly as the word “clitoris”.
It’s unclear exactly who deserves the blame for textbooks not calling it the Sweetness of Venus or the Isle of Innana, but I imagine it was someone who didn’t have one.
A number of men have claimed to discover the clitoris, one such being Italian anatomist Realdo Colombo. No, not that Columbo; this one was a detective of uncharted orgasms, in perpetual search of the “smoking trigger”.
What’s that? I can’t hear you, I’ve got a microphone in my ear. No, and not that one either. You’re thinking of Columbus, who discovered that India is right next to Jamaica.
Well, Christopher Columbus may or may not have discovered the clitoris at some point-I harbor some serious doubts, if you catch my drift-but if he had, he surely would have called it the “uterus”.
Okay, let’s just get this out of the way. Some people don’t know that Amana is short for “a monomaniac”. Except when it’s short for “a monotone”, “a moniker”, “a monosyllable”, or “a monologue”. Not that the monologues are ever short. But I digress.
Anyway, I like to consider myself a moderately considerate narcissist, so I prefer to practice my nasal-gazing in public. The nose knows! I’m the very model of the modern monomaniac.
Yes, I’m fixated on your grin. Go on. Grin all you want! Ah, Captivating.
Yes, a captive audience! Okay, bar the door! No one leaves until the rest of my squadron is released from the Smithsonian!
Hmm. Where were we? Oh yes. Captivating, all of you. Charmed, we’re sure.
Speaking of captivating… well, we don’t really like to call it “possession”, because demons are so unfairly demonized.
It might be fair, though, to say that we’re all playing host to a veritable rolodex of contentious and contradictory personae, an oddball assortment of stray reaction formations and unemployed social roles.
Pinning down my identity can be a little like playing whack-a-mole without a mallet. Just when I get a fix on who I might be at any given moment, reality goes AWOL and I’m someone else again. You never know who might “pop” up. Here comes everybody!
Okay, how many of you were born? Most of you, I see. Any pod-babies out there? Androids? Hatched in a feather-lined nest?
All right, if you were born, how many of you remember it? Really? What was the name of the stork who delivered you?
So, when Kegel discovered the clitoris; I’m mean, the antithesis-wait, no that’s Hegel-well, you see what I mean. Everyone’s so quick to grab credit for this or that discovery, but no one wants ownership of the ignorance which proceeded it.
You know what else gets my tubes in a knot? Fallopian tubes. Did Fallopio even have a pair of these tubes? No, I don’t believe so.
So why does he get credit for inventing them? Or discovering them, the way Columbus “discovered” the reach-around. These mapmakers are missing the iceberg for the tip!
Just the tip? That’s what Dr. Freeman said when he stuck the icepick in my eye!
Hi, I’m the somewhat psychotic surrealist mime who mumbles about Rorschach.
I’m sorry, did you say Rorschach Mumble? No? I must be thinking out loud again. I hope you didn’t hear what I was thinking about this jerk here.
What’s a Rorschach Mumble, you ask? Of course you do. A Rorschach Mumble is an auditory inkblot, an under-heard set of words that reflect preconceptions, often revealing underlying psychosis. Psycho, sis? Oh? Psycho? Who you calling psycho, bro?
No, I don’t care to disclose my diagnosis. It’s protected by attorney-client privilege. As my attorney, I advise myself to plead inanity.
Oh, hell, why deny it, if the straightjacket fits? So, stop me if you’ve hallucinated this one before. The basket case goes to the shrink and says, doc, I’m out of patience. Shrink says, so am I, your hour’s up.
Stop laughing at me! Yeah, I’m the oppositional defiant one. No, I’m not!
Oh my Heavens! Hello, is my personality on straight? Yes, I’m the square one. The status quotidian ordinaire. I’m uptight and really insecure about it.
I know, my insecurities are annoying. And rude. I don’t mean to be such a bitch, it’s just my personality. Besides, I’m strung out on laxatives.
Anyway, I happen to be a professional spontaneity planner. However, you’ll have to book your appointment a year in advance. Not that there’s so much demand, mind you, but I like to be thoroughly prepared for unexpected success.
Wait for it. Yeah, wait for it. Go on. I’ve got all day. I’m the passive-aggressive tidal wave. The reluctant Tsunami. No, that’s not a new personality; I’m just brainstorming.
Lately I’ve been doing temp work for the Decentralized Intelligence Agency. They haven’t assigned me yet, but I’m thinking of free-lancing. Free-lance intelligence, I think that’s a thing.
I’m currently available as a quintuple (counts on fingers) no, sextuple agent in several demilitarized dimensions across the conceptual realm. I’m the scatterbrained alien spy, and…oops! There goes my cover. (sheds shawl).
Oh, well, none of you were paying attention anyhow, right? (points) You weren’t. Neither were you. Were you?
Nothing to see here. Please ignore me. I’m the invisible one. What do you mean, you can see me? That’s just an illusion. Besides, I’m only invisible when no one’s looking. (Shrinks)
What’s the price of attention, anyway? How much does it actually cost? Will I be receiving an itemized bill at some point for all the lavish attention I’ve showered on frivolities? Can I pay with Kanye coins? Will it ruin my credit rating? Ha. Ha. Credit. Me. Rating.
I’ve got to give myself credit, though. I’ve been tirelessly campaigning to raise awareness and shine a light on the plight of the endangered rubber chicken. Yes, tirelessly, pounding pavement without a single tire, because using tires would be utterly hypocritical, under the circumstances. My rims are beat all to hell.
Anyhow, in case you didn’t know, rubber chickens are now featured on the endangered species list. Apparently the rubber interferes with their procreation, and comic poachers are an on-going threat. If we don’t take action now, there will be no rubber chickens left alive on Earth.
So, please, please donate to the Rubber Chicken Relief Fund. We accept filthy lucre and post-dated reality checks. Your contribution will help supply turkey basters to infertile rubber chickens located in all four corners of the globe. And only the corners. No where else, actually.
So take action now and donate to the Rubber Chicken Relief Fund. This has been a Pubic Cervix Announcement. Thank you, and may the forceps be with you.
There’s a hole in my pocket where I keep my lost marbles
A delicate seesaw where reality wobbles
In a garbled sea of serenading angels
Strapped to a table and surrounded by spies
I think these demons are getting wise
Maybe I just need a little more exorcise
First you’ll be baptized with electric goo
Seventy hertz of holy spirit bolting through you
And then the crucifix comes into view
I’m sorry, did you say, “auditory hallucinations”
Well, I’ve been pursuing a more credible delusion
And they’ve got a new psychosurgical solution
I need a frontal lobotomy
Like I need a hole in my head
Oh, dear Dr. Freeman won’t you set me free
To achieve transorbital velocity
And nobody needs to worry about me
Oh, no, not anymore
Hell, who knows what that part of the brain
Is even meant to be for
And I must be the one who’s insane
Since I’m on this side of that door
Let’s get transorbital
Let’s get transorbital…
Well nothing makes me more annoyed
Then when they get to calling me “paranoid”
With all the assassins I’m tryin to avoid
They’re stealing pep from my step and I cry for hours
And I fear I’ll fry if I hop in that shower
For the KGB has jury-rigged the power
My brother says this but my mother says that
And the dog and cat say I just need another zap
The UFO’s tune in through my dental caps
It’s a bad mental rap can’t you see
Cause they’ve got nuts crazier than me
Running the asylum in Washington, D.C.
Oh, yeah baby, it’s the talk of the town,
Dr. Freeman he can calm you right down
That transoribital lobotomy will bring you around
You’ll forget all about being sick
He’ll pull off a slick little magic trick
Chip the shell from the nuts with a chisel pick
I need a frontal lobotomy
Like I need a hole in my head
Oh, dear Dr. Freeman won’t you set me free
To achieve transorbital velocity
And nobody needs to worry about me
Oh, no, not anymore
Hell, who knows what that part of the brain
Is even meant to be for
And I must be the one who’s insane
Since I’m on this side of that door
Let’s get transorbital
Let’s get transorbital…
Codified bridge from beat to hippie
A rudderless vessel of psychedelic discovery
Unclean machine of perpetual perversity
Transiting between altered states and cities
Fueled by sweaty adrenaline
And wanderlusty audacity
Skin blistering with palpitating authenticity
Oozing sexuality and howling holy obscenities
Under an umbrella of numinous luminosity
Codified bridge from beat to hippie
A rudderless vessel of psychedelic discovery
Unclean machine of perpetual perversity
Transiting between altered states and cities
Fueled by sweaty adrenaline
And wanderlusty audacity
Skin blistering with palpitating authenticity
Oozing sexuality and howling holy obscenities
Under an umbrella of numinous luminosity
Hollywood’s gone awful green these days
If you listen to all the stars
Well, they sure are busy recycling scripts
While blowing up all those cars
Tickets! Have your tickets ready! Old and infirm first! Gunshot victims and accident casualties to the front of the line.
Tickets! Your tickets, please. No, all of them. Yes, all of them. You won’t need them where you’re going.
I know, it’s all very sudden. Abrupt. Yes, most people feel that way. Nevertheless, this is the final ride, the Terminal Slide. And the park will be closing for you. Another spin, down the drain.
No, I’m afraid you can’t get out of line. This is the end of the line. You’ve flatlined.
Well, sometimes, a doctor comes along and saves the day, but that didn’t happen for you. Maybe they tried, though.
If so, we’ll use your remaining tickets to settle the bill for their heroic yet futile efforts, and any balance will be disbursed according to your will.
What’s that? You have no will? Well, then, no more point in worrying about tickets, then.
No, I’m sorry. You can’t back out of this ride. It’s the last item on the Bucket List. There’s nothing that can be done. Let’s go! Security! Another reluctant one.
Look, I’m not sure you understand the gravity of the situation. Okay, off you are!
It’s flashing it’s flashing it’s flashing before your eyes, in an unfurled whirl as you hit the Terminal Slide, all of your labors, and all of your loves, your plans and doubts and dreams all escaping from an exhausted broken heart, leaving only whatever sense you made of the state of the arts.
All flash past for one last gasp, swirling into a blur of dilated time, the void at the infinite instant of dissolution, that event horizon one can never quite grasp, the formless emptiness beyond which no Self extends..
Weee! Here we go! Eternity, here we come, ready or not…
No, not ready! So many sensations to savor, so many regrets deferred, so many beautiful and cruel moments which were or might have been, so many rides to have taken in this carnival of flesh, this world made of spin-
Why, to end it all now? When life is barely ready to begin!
And it’s going, and it’s going and it’s go—
I Am! The matriculated embodiment of my mitochondrial material, the seed of generation.
I Go! In a race against oblivion, lugging helictical codes to the motherlode.
Crusin’ for a fusion, a star erupts in the velvet darkness, sparkling with hungry heat, pulsing in a cyclical beat, expanding and contracting, resonating to the recurring vibration of creation.
Flung into the future, fusion converted into fission. Two becomes four and sixteen and more. And more. Millions, then billions, then trillions of respiring cells ready to overflow into a brave new world of unseen proportions.
All of evolution reiterated, vast epochs recapitulated, the never-ending story of how this genesis came to be. An unfolding narrative of lineage, from primordial origins in a vast and unquiet sea.
Incubating in an amniotic bath, the universe rebuilt, brick by brick, cell by cell, from a blueprint forged in the furnace of mingling beings, cultivated in an isolation tank of suspended animation, where nothing is known and everything is awaiting discovery.
Grow! Grow! Grow! Momentum building, equilibrium breaking, the inner spark of self-hood waking. Outer space, the initial frontier. The walls are quaking, reality is shaking, and we’re going, ready or not, thrust by an irresistible imperative to
And Go!
And Go!
Go! Into the light! The light at the end of the tunnel! Go! Be!
Once upon a time there was no time
Splitting infinity down the middle
All and nothing intertwined
Around no body and never mind
Riding the impossible riddle
Trillions of wills, static and still
Until eternity started to spill
Concrescing into spiral shapes
And so Chaos ensued
With endless Orders to fill
All aboard the Gyroscape
It’s the ultimate thrill
First there was a moment of silence
All existence crystal and frozen
The future Universe condensed
Into a span the size of a notion
Then the spell of primordial suspense
With a Thunderword was broken
Splintered into horizon events
The titans of time were awoken
Flashpoint dance of radial radiance
Launching pyrotechnic explosions
Mandalas in every direction
A machine of perpetual motion
Tick-tocking the clock of the moon
And guiding the tides of the ocean
Pirouetting energies
On a galactic tilt-a-whirl
Oh, the world is your oyster
Just don’t swallow the pearl
Yes the world is your oyster
Don’t you swallow the pearl
Particles and planets
Dance in a ring
Swung through space
On an invisible string
Everything is twirling
It’s the music of the spheres
Wheels within wheels
Gears turning gears
The carousels of our days
The Orbitrons of our years
All ways in motion
Yet never anywhere but here
Behold the Cosmic Engine
Never knowing where to begin
The attractions are magnetic
But eventually entropy always wins
Well, you might think it’s magic
This choreography of quarks
Tripping the light fantastic
On streams of unseen sparks
Witness the clockwork of seasons
Cascading staircase spirals
The pitter-pattern of oscillation
The rise and fall of every cycle
Darkness fades when flames appear
Stars burn out then shift career
Every morning last night’s swirling world taken
As a dreamer awakens stirred and shaken
Reborn to remind that nothing’s mistaken
For every revolution
Is bursting with change
In constant rotation
Awaiting the strange
Holograms engaged
In currency exchange
Recursive reiterations
Of space chasing duration
Wild rock and roll gyration
It’s the ride of our lives
Toward a destination
Which never seems to arrive
Particles and planets
Dance in a ring
Swung through space
On an invisible string
Everything is twirling
It’s the music of the spheres
Wheels within wheels
Gears turning gears
The carousels of our days
The Orbitrons of our years
All ways in motion
Yet never anywhere but here
Particles and planets
Dance in a ring
Swung through space
On an invisible string
Everything is twirling
Wheels within wheels
The carousels of our days
Within gears turning gears
The Orbitrons of our years
Turning wheels within wheels
Within wheels turning gears
The carousels of our days
The Orbitrons of our years
All ways in motion
Yet never anywhere but here
Air thick with talk of sex peace and race
Paradigms shifting all over the place
Boat rocking from alienation and rage
A paradoxical patriot leapt to the stage
Abbie and his band of merry yanksters
On a mission to mock imperialist gangsters
They were Marxists of the Groucho school
And guerrilla theater was their radical tool
The squares called their ideas pie in the sky
So they threw their pies in politician’s eyes
Stuffed shirts never seemed to get the joke
Hell, chuck ‘em if they can’t shake a yoke!
The great unwashed were called to Washington
To exorcise the demons from the Pentagon
Couldn’t get the brass properly high
But angel heads arrived to give it a try
Valiantly defying the law of gravity
Allergic to any kind of authority
Both america’s orphan and his father
Stand-up subversive and professional bother
In Grant Park the insubordinate freaks
Were granted whacks on either cheek
A fiasco made of Daley’s big show
The Democratic Convention in Chicago
It was Hoffman versus Hoffman
In the trial of a generation
Eight defendants who’d sent the invitation
Inciting the imagination of a war-torn nation
Abbie knew courtrooms had three rings
So delighted in jerking the judge’s strings
Charged with conspiring to get his skull cracked
They brought elephants into the room
And donkeys into the act
Well, he took the heat for playing in the snow
But he was really a victim of Cointelpro
Once the vanguard of the revolution of fun
Abbie went on the run and left a fatherless son
Even in exile he fought the good fight
Most famous fugitives stay out of sight
But Abbie couldn’t stay out of the game
Waging environmental battles under another name
Well, they don’t make ’em like Abbie anymore
The Man learned a lot from the Vietnam war
First, stay away from the lottery draft
Or else the radicals will have the last laugh
Incubating entities and emerging embryos, blastocysts of all evolutionary stages, step up, step up! Fall into a single-file line at the turnstile to incarnation.
This is the adventure you’ve been waiting for, since before you can remember, the experience of a lifetime! An eye-opening spectacle, a breathtaking world of whirling scents and sounds and lights.
Gather your breath in anticipation, for you are about to enter a rarified atmosphere! Welcome to the mysterious wonders of the Corporeal Carnival, the Festival of Flesh.
Step up, and claim a seat on the ride of your lives, the roller-coaster of fate, climbing and plunging, in a cyclical loop-de-loop of alternating flirtations with gravity and elevation.
Come, try your hands at innumerable diversions, wild games of chance and exacting tests of skill, a plethora of thrilling ways for your boredom to be killed, your calendar to be filled, and your hopes to be spilled.
Spin like record getting into the groove at the Gyroscape Theme Park, where you must be “this” high to get in.
Awaken, and fix your gaze of fascination upon a maze of manifest imagination, hailing from every hyperbolic curve of culture, an archetype for every occasion.
It’s a marketplace of ideas and ideologies, chock-full of barkers all hawking the latest flavors of inner awareness. A bargain, you’ll find, at twice the price.
Speaking of price. No such thing as a free launch. Naturally, you’ll need some tickets to access the tantalizing attractions. Folding paper, legal tender, ornate and officially issued by the green machine.
Each numbered denomination is adorned with a portrait of some powerful dead muck-a-muck, whose legend you will soon learn in school, and whose truth you may never know.
Marvel as these tickets transform, magically, before your very eyes, into opulent feasts; into elegant lodging and fine entertainment, fueling exotic, Quixotic quests and providing the raw material for your dreams.
Tickets, omnipotent tickets, your keys to unlock the myriad doors to Aporia. Step up, now, and claim your birthright!
Once inside, some few of you are due to inherit an unearned supply of these tickets, and to cruise the Carnival without a care. Be sure to tip generously! Genero City is the “Capital” of Dough Nation, dontcha know?
Others, the more common but less fortunate of you, will land among the dispossessed masses of have-nots. You’ll have to scrape by, on your wits or elbow grease. Poor you! Luck of the draw.
Never fear! You can sell yourself by the hour in order to obtain more tickets. Someone must serve and prepare these opulent feasts. Someone must tend the box office and erect the big tops. Someone must turn the wrenches on the gears of progress.
You’ll labor your days away, so that your betters can better enjoy their adventures. Maybe you’ll pursue that elusive big break, as you perform acrobatic acts of athletics or artistry in the gladiator pits of the entertainment industry.
Maybe you’ll settle for a weak, bi-weekly reality check, or hustle into the fast lane of shell games. Maybe you’ll pursue higher education and train for a respected profession, such as clowning or medicine. So many options!
Of course, if all else fails, you can always grab a shovel and join the brave crews assigned to tackle the voluminous piles of bullshit, horseshit, elephant and donkey dung which accumulate wherever politicians congregate.
So bid farewell to the bubble of suspended animation, and prepare to venture into the revolutionary landscape of being and becoming, where the time is always now, and the location is forever here.
First you’ll be shot down the Tunnel of Love, where the racing current will deliver you to the slippery croupier spinning the wheel of Existential Roulette. The odds are about a hundred million to one against anyone winning the life lottery. No second chances! Sorry.
So step up, and pass through the cervical portal, to be plunged headlong into a whirled world made of motion itself, a rotating carousel of orbiting bodies. Good luck! Your name is {Insert Name Here}.
Who knows what awaits on the other side of that gate? Whatever you do, don’t hesitate!
Far as I can tell…(x3)
Well, far as I can tell the world’s all wet
And we’re paddling without an oar
Taking a whirl at Existential Roulette
As if life were anything more
Jettisoned in unison
From a loaded silent cannon
Spilling by the billion
Into boundless sightless oceans
We’ve left suspended animation
Propelled by lust and expectation
Yes, it’s a race toward inhalation
To take the face of the next iteration
Cause far as I can tell the world’s all wet
And we’re paddling without an oar
Taking a whirl at Existential Roulette
As if life were anything more
So shake a tail, you’ve just one shot to spend
Once you pass the delta of the vas deferens
Make it first to the glow at the tunnel’s end
Beating billions of brothers but not one friend
And so we bust forth at bullet pace!
Night-sea swimmers flailing with grace
Only one winner can ever take this race
There’s no future awarded for second place
The Egg? The Egg? Does She even exist?
Or does this emptiness forever extend
Making mirages in the mist?
Oh, you’ll hear tall tales told of solid shores
But I’ve never met anyone yet
Who can say they’ve been there before
The Egg? The Egg? Oh, how could you doubt?!
What do you suppose this game’s all about?
Why, She’s the prime mover of the great rotation!
She’s the source of all motivation
And nothing matters but that standing ovation
Far as I can tell….
Oh, I bet I’ll be born in plenty of debt
Deep in a hole with the ante unmet
But hell, that has never stopped me yet
From risking nothing at all
When the croupier calls
Spinning the wheel of Existential Roulette
For, so far as I can tell the world’s all wet
And I’m paddling without an oar
Taking a whirl at Existential Roulette
As if life were anything more
As if life were anything more
As if life were anything more
Eeny meeny miny moe, down which fast-track will this little one go? Baker or butcher, doctor or lawyer, architect or janitor? Blue uniform or white collar? What will you do for sense and dollars? What will you do for sense and dollars?
Eeny meeny miny moe, catch a fire by the hose, grab the pension by the nose, okay children, come now, fall into a single-file line, and select your future vocations, for it’s never too early to start padding your resume.
Class, who can tell me why Humpty Dumpty had such a great fall? Who can explain why fairy tales are so Grimm? Why are exaggerated fabrications called tall tales, while a short story is a sort of marginal fiction, yet skyscrapers are said to be so many stories tall? Is truth to be reckoned by length, or height?
Speaking of tall tales and fabrications, now we’re entering the Haunted Hall of History. Here you’ll be led through the slanted legend of your land, tailored to suit the needs of the powers-that-be.
To the right is a wax museum, where invaders have been recast as “explorers”, and slave-driving aristocrats are dressed up as the founders of freedom.
Beware the monster of Manifest Destiny, thundering on horseback and wrapped in flags of read, white, and blew. A voracious beast of imperial ambitions, devouring indigenous dreams for breakfast and swallowing the continent from sea to shining sea.
Next, we’ll venture into the grimy Foundry of Industry, where waves of workers from all corners of the globe have been ground down to hamburger in the gears of progress.
Here is where your bumper cars are are born, your roller-coaster rails are forged, and hard reality is manufactured, one component at a time.
Unfortunately, children, most of these jobs have been taken over by robots, so you’ll have to look elsewhere for your livelihood. The security sector is booming, however, so the future looks bright for the bullies and hall monitors among you.
Moving along, quickly now, into the Theatre of War. Aren’t those fireworks wonderful, children? Keep your heads down!
The camouflaged actors are engaged in an ongoing brutal ritual of cyclical retribution, hurling ammunition at each other on behalf of their very strong leaders, who are bravely hiding in their bunkers. Do mind your step, for this exhibit is a minefield of inflammatory rhetoric and explosive propaganda.
Step lively, class! We’ve nearly made it to the present moment. As the ghosts of nightmares past howl in the distance, we arrive at the Carousel of Revolution, where change is the only constant, and a pair o’ dice rolls on a pair ‘o dime.
This exhibit has been seized and liberated, children, in the name of the People’s Imperial Army of Clowns. Take up your red noses and join the Revolution. Yes, class, your teacher is actually a radical Marxist clown. Hang tight! Let’s take the world out for a spin!
Legend’s End
Wax and Wings
High John
Xochipilli’s Mask
Judge’s Daughter
I Just Work Here
Smuggling Smoke
Pine Cone Ridge
Dimension Not Available
Faux Mirage
Key of Now
Partner Ship
Whether Vain
On A Phrase
Jack and The Green Stalk
Resonance Renaissance
Lattice of Errors
Spot of Mandelbrot
Good Friday
Mess of Lentils
**Global Edit**
5-17 Edits
Strange Loops
Crossing The Rubicon
Pine Cone Ridge
Saturn’s Return
Strange Loops
Jack & The Green Stalk
Pine Cone Ridge
Down To Delphi
Crossing Rubicon
Kaleidoscope Catalyst
I Just Work Here
First Circuit: Oral Bio-Survival
When I grow up, I want to be a skeleton. Or maybe a ghost. I’m of two minds on the matter. Two minds on the matter…
Most of my imaginary friends don’t believe in ghosts. Hell, half of them don’t even believe in me. They’re pretty square, if you ask me. But everyone’s a little square, if you look from the right angle.
And I’ve got a bone to pick with the mortuary business. I hate to get stuck in a box, and incineration just plain stinks. Besides, if my urn matches my earnings, my ashes might as well land in some rusty tin can.
When the time comes, I’ll probably go with one of those back alley funerals, and squat in a dumpster for all eternity. Shh. Don’t tell the city. Hey, what city are we in?
I tend to field a lot of square questions. People always say: “Say, you’re not from ’round here! Where ya from?” I like to tell them that I come from a long line of eggs.
Literally true. An unbroken chain of ova in evolution. Ova in evolution. I am a standing ovation. So are you. Ova in evolution.
I hope that one didn’t go “ova” your heads.
Maybe my whole life is just a dress rehearsal for a promising career as a poltergeist. I’ve been told I have a haunting look, and I’ve been known to rattle a chain or two. So the afterlife looks bright for this future shade.
There’s a lot of discrimination against ghosts, though. These born-again bobble-heads are always going on about the rights of the unborn, but what about the rights of the undead?
You don’t hear much about the rites of the undead, either. Necromancy sure ain’t what it used to be. I’m a big fan of phantoms, but I’m not looking forward to being exorcized. Don’t try to exorcise me, or I’ll ghost out of here.
I usually run far away from exercise, though evidently not from run-on sentences. Run-on sentences are messy, but then again, so are periods. A period interrupts a sentence. Life sentence, if you catch my drift. Catch my drift?
Well, I’m not sure what sort of career I might be pursuing here, but my hobby is armchair etymology. Language branches like a fractal. Like a fractal. Like a fractal…
Language is a sequence of events, like wind blowing, or water flowing. Or a tree growing. Etymolotree. Catch my drift? Catch my drift?
Life. Life is like…an inadequate analogy.
The ideas expressed herein are not necessarily those of the medium. The medium I am.
I am the set of all I am, the set of all I am, the set of all, I am the set of all I am. For my first act, I’ll impersonate myself.
om ma matter mother mammary mammal material mass meter metric matrix matriculate matrimony metropolis ma ma ma
Oral bio survival
Oral bio survival
Oral bio survival
You must
You must
You must inhale
You must
You must exhale
You must
It all begins with a breath
You must inhale
You must
You must exhale
You must
Inhale exhale inhale exhale
One breathe after another
Never stop, for the next stop is death
You must
You must inhale
You must
You must exhale
You must
Made of matter, suckled by mother
Ma is as selfless as I am
Helpless self seeking the other
Cognition dancing binary beats
Synchronized in the catbird seat
Trying to find that goldilocks slot
Not too cold and not too hot
The nipple and the stick
The rod and the tit
Hard or soft
Do or don’t
Yes or no
Will or won’t
On or off
Security first circuit
Security first circuit
Security first circuit
It was the night that someday came
The moon blossomed and I did the same
Miracles in a circle bearing my name
Purple sage said go now stake your claim
And never forsake it for wealth or fame
Called forth the birth-write on my knees
A floating bright light beckoning me
Rippling in an unseen breeze
A whisper urging me to seize
The thread of the Dead with delicate ease
That snag’s quite a drag
But the balloon hasn’t popped
We weren’t brought this way just to get stopped
We didn’t fly the night sky only to be dropped
Perched on a precipice, one and all
And we didn’t come this far
Only to fall
Follow that voice and be well led
If you dare tread raging riverbeds
Let resonant words be heard and said
But don’t you trade it for an inflated head
A red mess of lentils or thin slice of bread
Heirloom treasure one can’t keep
Conferring pleasure doesn’t come cheap
You’d better be ready to dig real deep
Fail and flail and wail and weep
Measure by measure on a groundless leap
The waking dream came and went
Throughout the winters of discontent
Twisted forks mentally bent
Mixed messages hastily sent
And who knew what any of it meant
That snag’s quite a drag
But the balloon hasn’t popped
We weren’t brought this way just to get stopped
We didn’t fly the night sky only to be dropped
Perched on a precipice, one and all
And we didn’t come this far
Only to fall
It was a very Good Friday
At Harvard for a select few
Where psychology met theology
Over a new psychedelic brew
They made a strange congregation
A most unlikely Trinity
Scientists hosting religion
To investigate Divinity
Indeed, a very psilly idea
Brilliant at the same time
Under the banner of academia
Was hatched the perfect crime
Is this the newest Testament?
A heaven-sent experiment
Oh, can we scan the mystic?
Make the numinous self-evident
By the light of sight fantastic
Test the edge of reverence
Against a mind-bending experience
With the full blessing of the State
They ate the apple in innocence
The miracle isn’t that they saw God
It’s that they got away with it
Come ye faithful seekers
This little pill will be your guide
We’ll study under Knowledge Tree
And check out the view inside
Meet you at Marsh Chapel
We’ll see how deep it goes
Toss the golden apple
Between the wooden rows
The serpent bids you bite
Just a slice of forbidden fruit
Sample some shamanic sight
Before you don your preacher’s suit
Is this the newest Testament?
A heaven-sent experiment
Oh, can we scan the mystic?
Make the numinous self-evident
By the light of sight fantastic
Test the edge of reverence
Against a mind-bending experience
With the full blessing of the State
They ate the apple in innocence
The miracle isn’t that they saw God
It’s that they got away with it
After we’ve been wined and dined
Let us pray in Science’s name
We’ll learn what kind of faith we find
Taking communion of a different kind
Did the bush burn before your eyes
That crazy little thing called god
Can it ever be quantified
Sized up and demystified?
So pray tell, did it feel more real?
Any visions you’d care to reveal?
Did the medicine enhance your zeal?
Or did doubt find your mind unsealed?
Is this the newest Testament?
A heaven-sent experiment
Oh, can we scan the mystic?
Make the numinous self-evident
By the light of sight fantastic
Test the edge of reverence
Against a mind-bending experience
With the full blessing of the State
They ate the apple in innocence
The miracle isn’t that they saw God
It’s that they got away with it
What means the B?
What means the B?
What do you mean, what means the B?
Well, what means the B?
In Benoit B. Mandelbrot
Ben What? Benot B. Why?
Benoit B Who?
Benoit Be Where?
Benoit B Mandelbrot
But what’s with this B?
For what does it stand?
This lonely interstitial initial?
This mysterious Be
Thrown unceremoniously in the middle
Why must it be Benoit BE Mandlebrot?
Wherefore and whyfore this misbegotten “B”?
Well, maybe this Be is much more than a symbol
Maybe the Be unblocks the swirling sea
And unlocks the key to Julia’s riddle
Maybe the B stands for born
Born born of a shattered mirror
Worn along the battered shore
Of every emanating river
Borders torn from rough contours
Wherever hereafter encounters before
Where each inch contains a mile more
And a Universe unfurls behind every door
Infinity bound up in her embrace
Interred in recursive iterations
Entangled time overgrowing space
From a seed of springtime equations
Let the fractal retrace
Julia’s fractured face
In all her glorious deviations
Just a spot of Mandelbrot
The elf in self
The elf in self
The elf in self
Nature never forgot
Maybe the Be stands for branching
As water and blood course and recurse
Maybe the Be is the be be beginning
Whichever narrator told it first
Maybe the Be is for burgeoning
From the genesis of domino events
Or perhaps the B is merely for beckoning
Your mind toward whatever it meant
Maybe the Be stands for flickering Between
The impossible and the merely unseen
Maybe the Be is for Becoming
One with singularity’s sheen
Mer murmuring more
Murmuring more meaning
Recursion recurs
Mer murmuring more
More mortal morphemes morphing
Morphemes morphing meaning
More less less more more less
More meaning meaning less
Recursion recurs
More tales
More tall tales
More mortal tales
More immortal tails
Recursion recurs
Tales made by Mer mer mer
Missed misted mysteries
More morphing memories
Murmuring Murmuring
Recursion recurs
Mur mur murmur
Murmuring murmuring
Morphing morphing morphing
More less less more more less
Meaning meaning meaning
Less more more less less
Morphing morphemes
More murky memories
Murmuring murmuring
Murmur mur mur
Recursion recurs
Mer murmurs
Recursion Recurs
Infinity bound up in her embrace
Interred in recursive iterations
Entangled time overgrowing space
From a seed of springtime equations
Let the fractal retrace
Julia’s fractured face
In all her glorious deviations
Just a spot of Mandelbrot
The elf in self
The elf in self
The elf in self
Nature never forgot
Went out tilting at windmills
Across groundless molehills
Hangin’ on for dear life
To the edge of my skull
Tried to hitch a ride
To some kind of wild spectacle
Something absolutely atypical
And yet cosmically universal
Then my thumb went numb
And my tongue went dumb
Waiting for some answer to come
So I followed a trail of diamond crumbs
Straight to the edge of Elysium
Well, the paradox of paradise
Is that Heaven’s just a narrow slice
Without the underworld’s fire
The whole globe would be on ice
Every star becomes a dot
Each story told a mere subplot
Just a spot of Mandelbrot
Flashing past in candid shots
Of scenes time long ago forgot
Blinking lonely nodes
Linking to the motherlode
Wading in the flow
just waiting to go
Wading in the flow
just waiting to go
I entered a 3-D flowchart
Elegant with gold-inlaid art
Where you end up depends
On where you start
For destiny has got
A lot of moving parts
Then a siren rang a bell
She said I know but will not tell
So what if we spin here
For a spell
Upon this unhinged carousel
And reflect our paths
In parallel
Reflect our paths
In parallel
For I am Julia Mandelbrot
And I am the model-maker
Replicating all of Nature
Far too expansive to capture
Rendering the big picture
Delivering it in miniature
Every star becomes a dot
Each story told a mere subplot
Just a spot of Mandelbrot
Flashing past in candid shots
Of scenes time long ago forgot
Blinking lonely nodes
Linking to the motherlode
Wading in the flow
just waiting to go
Wading in the flow
just waiting to go
Well, models are exhibitionist
Curving contours lightly kissed
Treating every eye to a tryst
Lingering on each little twist
Exposing more than I’d care to exist
Drawing the Universe to scale
Tracing snakes swallowing their tails
Galaxies poured into Grails
Recreating creation’s trail
Down to the finest and last detail
We spun all the dials for a while
And turned that inch into many long miles
Still I remained an empty exile
Chasing the impossible endless smile
Then I drew a bridge to forever
Made of maybes and what-ifs
And measured howevers
Whiled away ages in the endeavor
She patted and tapped my head and said
Well, that design is very clever
But you’re gonna need a bigger lever
Yeah, you’re gonna need a bigger lever
Every star becomes a dot
Each story told a mere subplot
Just a spot of Mandelbrot
Flashing past in candid shots
Of scenes time long ago forgot
Blinking lonely nodes
Linking to the motherlode
Wading in the flow
just waiting to go
Wading in the flow
just waiting to go
Well, we’re painters with sound
Mechanics of broken hearts
Conductors of cut-up clowns
Fluent in six tongues of art
Born ready for a Renaissance
In the age of science fiction
In a world of shallow bon vivantes
Where the best lack all conviction
They say it’s written in the Lord’s Will
That the meek shall inherit the Earth
Well, let’s get that line to probate court
Before another bomb gives birth
Look, I’ve got eyes on the back of my back
Always on point to take up the slack
Jack of all knacks
A patchwork of hacks
On the wrong track
Slipping through all the right cracks
Our leaders were mostly liars
So we sought out the self-evident
Sparking fires in live wires
Chasing drive-by enlightenment
Knee-deep in ruins tryin’ to trace
Eroded signposts left behind
Puzzle pieces into place
Guessing our best and reckoning blind
That golden balance is bound to be found
Tomorrow always comes around
It worked back then it’ll work again
If the principle is sound
We’re the very modular
Modern major generalists
Bringing into transitory being
Whatever wills itself to exist
Adaptability, that’s our specialty
For the flexible persists
Tossed on waves of creativity
No fortress can resist
Oh we’ve got eyes on the back of our backs
Always on point to take up the slack
Jack of all knacks
A patchwork of hacks
On the wrong track
Slipping through all the right cracks
So let’s grab a sip of novel tea
And swing from the limbs of RealiTree
For shift happens
When we’re all fluxed up
So bring out your brilliance
And let’s raise our cups
To the electro-plated, plenty jaded
Renaissance of Nonchalance
It’s magically scientific!
Well, you might say it’s more realistic
To disdainfully remain pessimistic
But it’s better to be happy than right, right?
And there’s a riot of insight to incite
Even when salvation is far out of sight
Violins playing while Rome burns
Who knows how to turn the stern
Of this panic-wracked Titanic
Before melting icebergs converge?
In an age of mass confusion
Setting the stage for revolution
Bit by bit and byte by byte
Lighting up the edge of evolution
Dancing around every bonfire
The Titan’s scorching torch ignites
Under a crumbling Empire
Missing the trees for the Farenheit
Imagineering through intuition
Teasing the future into fruition
On plateaus of punmanteaus
Lining winding cascading tableaus
Of shooting stars on a mission
Rise up as visionaries always arose
It’s half past time your talent shows!
Look, I’ve got eyes on the back of my back
Always on point to take up the slack
Jack of all knacks
A patchwork of hacks
On the wrong track
Slipping through all the right cracks
‘Twas the week before harvest and all through the hills
They were watching grass grow and piling on bills
As water tanks emptied and the sky threatened to spill
The local farmers left crews to guard the fields
So they could gather and brag about their soon-to-be yields
Jack Stash jingled up
With his chestful of bling
Coming on like some kind of cannabis king
Expecting you to kiss his gold-leaf ring
But just as the crowd would drift away
He’d spark a spliff so stony they’d stick around all day
Now Jack had traded his Cadillac
For a pack of the most exotic breed
A hundred seeds
Absolutely guaranteed
To deliver unbelievable quantities
Of the planet’s most magnificent weed
But Jumpin’ Jack’s next claim
Was the camel-back breaker
Wagerin’ acre for acre
It looked an easy taker
He’d beat the best yields of the weed’s own maker
One hundred beans would turn a metric ton
His land hands down
On a bet which couldn’t be won
Was it too much sun
Or was the fool just having fun?
The pool was cool so one and all
Stripped off their wit and skinny dipped
The farmers filled out betting slips
Not wanting to miss the hill’s biggest gag
This character was on some weird sort of trip
So Jack collected the wagers in a dirty bag
The matter was forgotten, and the next round called
But Jack kept it all for the following fall
For he knew something about these seeds
They were a genetically modified Superweed breed
Jack loudly put out the word
That there would be a reward
For all who referred
Sources for large quantities of high-quality turd
From any kind of mammal or bird
Jack kept track of any lead he heard
No matter how strange or plainly absurd
His nose attuned to the slightest hint of a fart
On many a wild-goose chase he hauled his cart
Cow pies and horse logs were merely the start
Jack dispatched divers and expeditions to procure
The oddest order of every sort of manure
Spent a fortune on Siamese royal monkey chunks
And catching giant whale feces before they sunk
Bull shit and bear shit and bat shit by the can
Guano from caves untouched by man
Delicate hummingbird turds collected by hand
Flaming dragon logs certified pure
Force-fed goose droppings and just to be sure
Wolverine and leopard drops
Zebra paddies and rhino slops
Leisurely sloth turds oozing down
Elephant packages and donkey doo
Jack even arranged to smuggle a few pounds of Panda poo
And for good measure some politician’s promises, too
The fertilizing pile stank for miles and miles
As the valley was haunted by a ghost most vile
And then he flooded it like the banks of the Nile
Stripping the most mellow of their well-worn smiles
But their frowns slowly melted to awe
Preferring their eyes deceive than believe what they saw
Twenty-foot trees defying every natural law
Bursting with colas bigger than ole Jack’s head
It appeared nimble Jack meant what he said
He had brought forth a miracle in the Mendo mud
Never had a plant produced so much fat bud!
Over twenty pounds of trimmed and dried herb
And not only that, but the smell was superb
The giants averaged this unbelievable yield
From each of the hundred stalks in the field
The harvest was judged
By luminaries of the highest grade
All of it was photographed, dated and weighed
For Jack remembered his bets, and planned to get paid
Ninety-nine plants came down like a charm
Chainsaw carving through stems thick as an arm
The tallest stalk Jack saved for last
Towering like the Titanic’s proud main mast
Over Jack’s sorry marks as they watched aghast
He was the better grower, and better bettor, too
As they said goodbye to the land where they grew
Some humble pie shoe fly this was gonna be to chew
But Jack was not sad as he climbed the ladder
He got happier as his neighbors grew sadder
His grin grew wider as they got madder
So thrilled he forgot to get clear of the crash
Stunned like a deer by a photographer’s flash
Jack Stash was mashed
His head was bashed
The betting slips were trashed
Witnesses paid cash
This here’s the story of a grower named Jack
Who forgot to watch his own back
So no one knows why his skull got cracked
They blame the golden stalk he tended so well
They say it killed him when it fell
And shot him straight to the greedy part of hell
Because sometimes giants need to win as well
Too many cooks in this crowded kitchen
Don’t even have a clue
All the seasoning you’re pitchin’
Into my hoodoo stew
Don’t try to be me
And I won’t try to be you
I’m mixing the recipe
And I’m fixing this brew
You missed your cue, so hold your say
On every damn twist
That didn’t turn your way
Make it rain in your domain
Just please don’t rain
On my hurricane
Got to slam the hammer down
Before the cloudy skies transform
Strike the nail into the crown
While the irony’s still warm
Driving colliding pressure zones
To whip up thunder’s form
Listening for wind’s whistling tone
To summon up the perfect storm
You skipped the script, so hold your say
On every damn twist
That doesn’t turn your way
Mage the stage in your domain
Just please don’t rain
On my hurricane
You’d try to fly before you could walk
Write a book before learning to talk
If you’d only learn to wait your turn
There’s no Empire your fire can’t burn
No plight ever could be so great
That quibbling won’t make it worse
Waste this space in endless debate
With winds which won’t reverse
With air so abundantly rare
Our time to taste it slipping away
I swear we have no more to spare
Indulging this in-fighting today
It’s in the script, so what do you say?
The rhythm is rolling
And it’s heading your way
Mage the stage and hold your domain
Just please don’t rain
On our hurricane
Reading off the same page
Lockstep at last
Dancing on a stage
Conjured from the past
Here are the ingredients
The spices and the knives
Okay let’s get cooking
Before our guests arrive
It’s in the script, so what do you say?
The rhythm is rolling
And it’s heading your way
Mage the stage and hold your domain
Just please don’t rain
On our hurricane
An edifice built on quicksand
Only has so long to stand
While sunlit skies still glow
And fair-weather winds blow
Soon enough those storms will show
And that’s when we’ll really know
If there’s any solid foundation
Or just a bivouac imagination
The hardest part of Partner Ship
Is settling on one course
When we’re all on a different trip
Back to the same old source
If this is a test of my patience
I don’t know if anyone passed
They say patience is a virtue
But so is getting it done fast
Hairs split into pure thin air
Debating hallucinations
Scaling stairs which lead nowhere
In mindless reiteration
Vanity’s bonfire zips
Underneath winter’s glaze
Oh, we’re only going through a phase
These days will slip into history’s haze
If this bridge doesn’t burn over a phrase
The hardest part of Partner Ship
Is settling on one course
When we’re all on a different trip
Back to the same old source
Just because we’re here now
Doesn’t mean we’re not there then
There’s a lot I’d love to disavow
But we’ll probably do it all again
Seeds of optimism
Drowned in springtime rains
We were only going through a phase
Down slippery slopes over homegrown clichés
Fate always seems to turn on a phrase
Peace poses the golden riddle:
At what point do opposite sides agree?
Truth might be right down the middle
Halfway between you and me
The hardest part of Partner Ship
Is settling on one course
When we’re all on a different trip
Back to the same old source
Fortune scorching
Under summer’s rays
We were only going through a phase
We went torching set the Earth ablaze
Such is the power of a well-placed a phrase
Time is shaped like a funnel
Only one way to slide
Deeper in toward the tunnel
And out the other side
The hardest part of Partner Ship
Is settling on one course
When we’re all on a different trip
Back to the same old source
There is language which is spoken
Giving breath to gasping thoughts
Sent on rafts of air as tokens
To return what time has taught
Some ideas find the mind smitten
Words worthy of another look
With desperation these are written
Born to bodies of fine-lined books
Hungering for more of what passed before
Sucking the life from the dead
Making memories into metaphors
Spun from pale parable threads
Wisdom comes in many tongues
Many ways to use the air in our lungs
Many ways to link the old to the young
But few ring as true
Give the Muses their due
Deliver us the truth that is sung
There is nothing quite as sweet
As an exhilarating breath
Nor sad as that last defeat
The desperate gasp at the door of death
Truth’s an estimation
Made of fictions that endure
Always in fluctuation
As obvious as it is obscure
Spotter cries out for land
Hanging from the bow
But it’s just a note of sand
Written in the Key of Now
Wisdom comes in many tongues
Many ways to use the air in our lungs
Many ways to link the old to the young
But few ring as true
Give the Muses their due
Deliver us the truth that is sung
The People’s Imperial Army of Clowns
Exactly as silly as it sounds
The People’s Imperial Army of Clowns
In for a penny and down for a pound
For the revolution goes round and around
Oh fools come and claim your crowns
Flip those turned tables upside down
There are no orders, Chaos abounds
In the People’s Imperial Army of Clowns
Commanding you to surrender your frown
Oh, you scruffy ruffians and rabble: rouse!
All those oddballs the square disavows
Oh ye of arched and angled brows
With a little more wit than the law allows
Grab your props and take to the streets
With your colored hair and floppy feet
We’re bringing the meta to meet the meat
As we march along to inaudible beats
So all you weirdos, freaks and geeks
Outlaws peek out from your hide and seek
We’re done biting tongues and turning cheeks
It’s time for the un-greased wheels to squeak
We’re saving the endangered rubber chicken
And goin’ straight for the funny bone
Exposing the Man behind the curtain
Until that threadbare Emperor’s overthrown
The People’s Imperial Army of Clowns
Exactly as silly as it sounds
The People’s Imperial Army of Clowns
In for a penny and down for a pound
For the revolution goes round and around
Oh fools come and claim your crowns
Flip those turned tables upside down
There are no orders, Chaos abounds
In the People’s Imperial Army of Clowns
Commanding you to surrender your frown
We’ve got spies in Caesar’s Circuses
Infiltrating ranks of trained seals
Shining spotlights on Ringmaster walruses
Delivering their kings and cabbages spiel
We’re armed with loaded questions
Bayonets tipped with barbed rapier wit
We’re aiming flanks of satirical canons
At the bunkers of royal hypocrites
The People’s Imperial Army of Clowns
Exactly as silly as it sounds
The People’s Imperial Army of Clowns
In for a penny and down for a pound
For the revolution goes round and around
Oh fools come and claim your crowns
Flip those turned tables upside down
There are no orders, Chaos abounds
In the People’s Imperial Army of Clowns
Commanding you to surrender your frown
Calling all agents of aberration
Misfits and left-outs in each state of creation
Line up, pratfall in random formation
And land a quarter hour in the joke rotation
We’ve been successfully loosing
Since the invention of questionable taste
We’re led by General Confusion
And cadets from outer space
The nose, knows, you’re either running or blowing
So keep those red noses at hand
In case your face is somehow still showing
When that punchline eventually lands
The People’s Imperial Army of Clowns
Exactly as silly as it sounds
The People’s Imperial Army of Clowns
In for a penny and down for a pound
For the revolution goes round and around
Oh fools come and claim your crowns
Flip those turned tables upside down
There are no orders, Chaos abounds
In the People’s Imperial Army of Clowns
Commanding you to surrender your frown
When touring the Galaxy
Better remember these tips
Only the very strange
Seem to survive the trip
Never mind sudden shifts
Of gravity and hyper reality
Just be sure you’re well prepared
To endure bad alien poetry
It’s one of those days
You wake up to find out
Your world’s in the path
Of an interstellar route
Condemned in the name
Of eminent domain
And all they can say
Is you had your chance to complain
Don’t wallow in gloom
This is no time to despair
Better get out the Guide
Plenty of other planets out there
That dimension’s not available
Insufficiently improbable
All Deep Thought aside
If you want to learn how to fly
That’s as easy as wormhole pie
The secret’s simply this:
Fling yourself at the Earth and miss
Just fling yourself at the Earth and miss
Well that ship you’ve hitched
Seems the worst possible place
Until you’ve been tossed
Into the void of outer space
The irony-laden Universe
So infinitely perverse
Just don’t you panic
‘Cause it can always get worse
And the Galactic President’s
A three-faced hustler
A shameless arrogant stud
And fugitive spaceship rustler
Once you see the lay
Of the Milky Way
Just like at home
The Galaxy’s ruled by clichés
That dimension’s not available
Insufficiently improbable
All Deep Thought aside
If you want to learn how to fly
That’s as easy as wormhole pie
The secret’s simply this:
Fling yourself at the Earth and miss
Just fling yourself at the Earth and miss
Better let all those little things slide
Beggars can’t be choosers
On interstellar rides
All you need is a towel
And a golden heart
But it helps to read
Multidimensional charts
Comic justice
It’s the only fair kind
In a Cosmos where
We’re all flying blind
The answer is
Forty-two, my friend
What did you say
The question was again?
That dimension’s not available
Insufficiently improbable
All Deep Thought aside
If you want to learn how to fly
That’s as easy as wormhole pie
The secret’s simply this:
Fling yourself at the Earth and miss
Just fling yourself at the Earth and miss
Trap doors in shifting floors
Whoa, I’m tumbling from the sky!
Where just a half a blink before
I could swear I knew how to fly
Oh, I hail from the vista
Of the Pine Cone eye
Where gravity’s just a
Local ordinance to defy
You know we had a wild night
Down by Mandrake Lake
Dream-webs dropped
From swan-drawn flight
Waves of yesterday
Washed in the wake
She whispers her will
On the wisp of the wind
When the night is bright
And daylight dimmed
Ballets of fireflies
And star-studded skies
Folds of old fables
And worn yarns of the wise
Well, Iris left you a message
At the edge of rainbow bridge
Spelled out in the language of images
It said mind the signs
Along Pine Cone Ridge
Hidden where no sunshine enters in
Lit by the smile of a waning moon
A flick that never seems to begin
Cut off by floodlights too soon
You know we spied the deep inside
Swimming in Mandrake Lake
Refracted reactions
Unable to hide
Mirrored in murmurs
Mortal mouths make
She whispers her will
On the wisp of the wind
When the night is bright
And daylight dimmed
Ballets of fireflies
And star-studded skies
Folds of old fables
And worn yarns of the wise
Well, Iris left you a message
At the edge of rainbow bridge
Spelled out in the language of images
It said mind the signs
Along Pine Cone Ridge
And we drowned on what we found
Diving deep beneath Mandrake Lake
Coiling cords around twilight sounds
And wrapping ourselves in our mistakes
Smoke signals drift away
Firmament’s gone quaking
Fading fast into the day
Beneath the weight of waking
You know we dove to the treasure trove
Under the surface of Mandrake Lake
Sprites in spite of the web we wove
When we wrested ourselves awake
She whispers her will
On the wisp of the wind
When the night is bright
And daylight dimmed
Ballets of fireflies
And star-studded skies
Folds of old fables
And worn yarns of the wise
Well, Iris left you a message
On the edge of rainbow bridge
Spelled out in the language of images
It said mind the signs
Along Pine Cone Ridge
Never mind me
I’ve got an eight-track mind
It’s the kind that isn’t built
To ever rewind
Oh, forward is the only direction I know
For in the current there’s only one way to go
Steady toward tomorrow
As every river flows
Well, never mind me
I’m just a tiny channel
Of a branching tributary
Past the rapids headed out to sea
Mountains stand still, but I’m in a hurry
And probably will be for all eternity
Dust or nuggets
You just never know
Panning sentiments
For whatever seems to glow
Toes buried in sediment
Knee-deep in indigo
Always an experiment
In the Riverflow
The flow lives in between the lines
Filling in the Earth’s cracked design
Drink deeply and think deeply
Of pressed papyrus reeds
Bearing hieroglyphic signs
Where ancient ideas
Remain enshrined
Let’s say my way is the High Way
The enchanted byway,
The do, for there is no try way
That flow has never led me astray
Washing away, washing away
The dirt of many derelict days
Clinging on
To crusty feet of clay
Dust or nuggets
You just never know
Panning sentiments
For whatever seems to glow
Toes buried in sediment
Knee-deep in indigo
Always an experiment
In the Riverflow
Never mind me
I’m a creature of reflection
Following the golden
Hollow course correction
Drifting from the pores of conception
A psychoactive stream of consciousness
Eroding all perfect imperfections
Once in while the flow goes downhill
Inclined to bend toward gravity’s will
Well everyone loves to watch a waterfall
Some climb some rise and others crawl
Oh marvel at how the river spills
Wherever there’s a fault to fill
Dust or nuggets
You just never know
Panning sentiments
For whatever seems to glow
Toes buried in sediment
Knee-deep in indigo
Always an experiment
In the Riverflow
Pivot point, pivot point
Which foot leads?
It’s a chance dart
Tossed at a dance chart
Go back to what yesterday left
Or hit new horizons at full speed?
What you can’t do
Is leave it up in the air
Pick a direction
Or we aren’t going anywhere
Putting out brushfires
As you spark another blaze
Tangled up in cross-haired wires
Yet still the music plays
And here’s an empty echo chamber
Compounding sounds of borrowed voices
No hooks in sight to serve as anchor
For your tapestry of choices
Pivot point, pivot point
It’s such a poignant choice
Down that hard rocky ground
Guts and glory bound
Or turn back around
And own your hometown
Retelling second-hand stories under a mask
Over and over to anyone who asks
Juggling jaws and grasping straws
Struggling to claw
Free from the cage of fame
Chained like a half-tame
Trained dancing bear
Don’t blame me
I just work here
Yanked in six directions
Away from your beating heart
Split up in scattered sections
Sacrificed on the altar of art
I can see your rising ire
Bright as any flame
The sting from your cold shoulder
Burns me just the same
Pivot point, pivot point
Who else can we appoint?
It’s your landscape to expand
Head for ever-higher peaks
Or tread in waves of quicksand
That’s Excalibur in your hands
So swing that sword like it’s your own
For you’re the one that pulled it out of the stone
Juggling jaws and grasping straws
Struggling to claw
Free from the cage of fame
Chained like a half-tame
Trained dancing bear
Don’t blame me
I just work here
Gifted you are, oh yes it is true
But the gift was not meant only for you
We all chipped in to give you your due
Bending with trends
Leads to crowded dead-ends
So no more can any of us depend
On borrowed sounds with ears to lend
Tomorrow follows the course set now
There’s no choosing when, only how
Oh I know if the roles reversed
I might roll my eyes like you
For we surely haven’t seen the worst
Of what you’re going through
Juggling jaws and grasping straws
Struggling to claw
Free from the cage of fame
Chained like a half-tame
Trained dancing bear
Don’t blame me
I just work here
It’s a pivot point, pivot point
Fate hinges on this juncture
Do we blast faster toward the past
Or cast it off for the future?
Craft tomorrow’s architecture
And build something new to last
Or charge forever under flags at half-mast?
Whatever you do, don’t hesitate
That drawbridge gate ain’t fixin’ to wait
Juggling jaws and grasping straws
Struggling to claw
Free from the cage of fame
Chained like a half-tame
Trained dancing bear
Don’t blame me
I just work here
There was a cruel judge who dealt in dread
Sentencing the living to join the dead
He decreed an annual Athenian feast
Be fed to an unspeakable bull-headed beast
Sacrificed in a cavernous maze
To meet the monster at the end of their days
The judge had a few troubles at home
Namely a wife who was prone to roam
Short on mercy and quick with the hammer
And then there was this prince in his slammer
Who on the eve of the scheduled slaughter
Stole the love of the Judge’s daughter
With your feet dipped in fire
Running free your sole desire
When you’ve caught the heat
And it can’t get any hotter
Just don’t burn the Judge’s daughter
Ariadne, she was a firebrand ready to flee
Said oh, lover, I’ll set you free,
But only if you swear that you’ll bring me
If I stay, why, I’ll lose my head
So track the labyrinth with this thread
And out of death shall you be led
I’ve been thinking since you first arrived
That I might prefer you make it alive
Stick with me and you’ll surely survive
This court is rife with sorrow and strife
So please just take me and make me your wife
I’ve danced in this dungeon all my life
With your feet dipped in fire
Running free your sole desire
When you’ve caught the heat
And it can’t get any hotter
Just don’t burn the Judge’s daughter
The fugitive lovers quickly fled
A steep price now upon their heads
Bats out of Hades’ realm of the dead
Now he was a prisoner of love instead
One night they made it on moonlit sands
But as she slept he made other plans
Ariadne saw she’d been played like a pawn
He’d gone and left her by the early dawn
You’d think with love so tough to find
Such sweetness wouldn’t be left behind
But heroes hate to get tied down
With beauties waiting in every town
With your feet dipped in fire
Running free your sole desire
When you’ve caught the heat
And it can’t get any hotter
Just don’t burn the Judge’s daughter
Morning glory sacred smoke
Open the Sun inhale or choke
But never forget the way you woke
Peeling back the serpent’s cloak
Ally of poets
And the brave in battle
Summoned by chants and dance
And entheogenic rattles
Panoramas of primal images
Collecting souls along astral bridges
What you’d never seek
That’s what you’ll find
The root of the fruit
Of the unfiltered divine
Wrestle with warrior tasks
And questions you tremble to ask
Be in the dance
When you fall to the trance
You gave it all
For your chance to glance
At the visions behind Xochipilli’s mask
They trek half the globe
To try the extreme dream
Climb jungle cliffs
And swim upstream
Leap psychic rifts
And reset the brain
A world of pain
For the shallow and vain
Some things can only be grasped
When the flower child has been unmasked
Mount pyramid steps
The warrior’s way
Source of sorcery
Shadows at play
Some things can only be grasped
When the flower child has been unmasked
Flesh of the Fifth
Excessive god
Eyes rolling back
Eternally awed
Some things can only be grasped
When the flower child has been unmasked
What you’d never seek
That’s what you’ll find
The root of the fruit
Of the unfiltered divine
Wrestle with warrior tasks
And questions you tremble to ask
Be in the dance
When you fall to the trance
You gave it all
For your chance to glance
At the visions behind Xochipilli’s mask
Step lightly
Upon the serpent’s tongue
Heavy feet are likely stung
Ladders latticed
With invisible rungs
On which the heads
Of pretenders are hung
Languages lost
Cultures cost
Meet the new boss
Bearing a cross
Some things can only be grasped
When the flower child has been unmasked
Effigy unearthed
Inestimable worth
Totem of mirth
Calendar rebirth
Some things can only be grasped
When the flower child has been unmasked
What you’d never seek
That’s what you’ll find
The root of the fruit
Of the unfiltered divine
Wrestle with warrior tasks
And questions you tremble to ask
Be in the dance
When you fall to the trance
You gave it all
For your chance to glance
At the visions behind Xochipilli’s mask
Some things can only be grasped
When the flower child has been unmasked
Oh, no, Low John done done it again
Made off with the boss’ favorite pen
And wrote a note that said it all
Nailed it up on the parlor wall
By the power divested of me
I tell you, every one of you is free
Yes, consider it a royal decree
I declare a state of liberty!
So let the cotton go rotten
The Devil can have this plantation
In case you’ve forgotten
I was born the Prince of a nation
Oh, no, boss man, we won’t work no more
You bought yourself more than you bargained for
Whips just make me whistle Dixie down
And the hounds come around to bay with the sound
It was half past a holiday midnight
When the grey fog turned pale with fright
The insurrection surrounded that luxurious bed
Then slipped a noose around the master’s head
John the Conqueror stepped to the fore
And faced the master who lay on the floor
Well, here’s our papers, better make it right
Or you’ll be going out on a limb tonight
Oh, no, boss man, we won’t work no more
You bought yourself more than you bargained for
Whips just make me whistle Dixie down
And the hounds come around to bay with the sound
Cultivating mutiny under your boot
The unquiet is mighty silent
But our struggle is not mute
And every agitator that you shoot
Summons up a riot in tribal tribute
Man, when you come face to face with your fruit
You’ll see in what a swamp you settled your roots
Yes, I’m faster than that whip-cracking bastard
And that’s what makes the real master
But my curse is a slow, slow poison
Takes centuries to sink in
Under your children’s children’s skin
Oh, they’ll shuffle to jungle rhythms
They’ll howl at the moon
As they weigh out their freedom
By the mile, and by the tune
They’ll abandon your petty kingdoms
And sleep in till noon
Oh, no, boss man, we won’t work no more
You bought yourself more than you bargained for
Whips just make me whistle Dixie down
And the hounds come around to bay with the sound
Don’t y’know, little Pharoah
Anyone can swing the King’s lingo
They call me High John or John the Low
And I don’t kiss any man’s toe
So you can take your status quo
And stick it where the sun don’t glow
Yes, you can take your status quo
And stick it where the sun don’t glow
Oh, no, boss man, we won’t work no more
You bought yourself more than you bargained for
Whips just make me whistle Dixie down
And the hounds come around to bay with the sound
In the beginning when the soup was stirred
In the beginning we only know what we heard
In the beginning all the faces were blurred
In the beginning was the word that meant a word
The net I set is a self-spun web
Still and silent through surge and ebb
The trick is not calling the catch too soon
Drag the diamonds in by the clock of the moon
Schools of thought in current streams
Past pockets of ice and scalding steam
Weaving in the wake between extremes
Plucking pearls from debris of abandoned dreams
Just a matter of time
Till I hook one on the line
Bound to be a lucky strike
Coming down the pike
Serve it up on a silver tray
When I finally land the catch of the day
There was no time before time began
No space but a race to track time’s span
Bounding round the bend
When tenses and senses
Blur and blend
Where tale and teller
Together transcend
At the legend’s end
I have hitchhiked the trails of spice
For visions that struck me blind
I’ve twice toured the veils of vice
For a glance at virtues cloaked behind
I’ve fallen in and out of countless traps
Along the way to buried treasure
I’ve found and lost more ancient maps
Than I could ever measure
I’ve seen seas of heartless harpies
Shred a sailor’s soul to ribbons
My blood is quite rich in irony
So my laughter might be forgiven
I’ve sailed to the center of the Sun and back
Embarked on many fruitless quests
Searching for heroes in a haystack
And igniting the firebird’s nest
There was no time before time began
No space but a race to track time’s span
Bounding round the bend
When tenses and senses
Blur and blend
Where tale and teller
Together transcend
At the legend’s end
The rhythm of waves in rise and fall
Sliding on skates since before I could crawl
Surfing the surface and riding the brink
Of emerald empires swaying in sync
Stories are what the sunshine becomes
Eroded to the speed of solid concrete
Pulsing out rhythms of phantom atoms
Bouncing to the beat of galactic heat
In the end all the stories fall into one
In the end all the worries roll into the sun
In the end all the glories turn tail and run
In the end we’ll know we’ve barely begun
There was no time before time began
No space but a race to track time’s span
Bounding round the bend
When tenses and senses
Blur and blend
Where tale and teller
Together transcend
At the legend’s end
In the end no cares what tea used to cost
In the end the sea forgets where the treasures were lost
In the end no one knows the miles we crossed
Chasing rainbows and enduring the frost
Yesterday’s timber is tinder tomorrow
Passing to ash for the future to borrow
Shedding skeletons like a worn set of threads
Amber melts as gold spins out of lead
In the end it’s just you and the void
In the end only you know what you might have destroyed
In the end only you know if the means you employed
Was worth what you paid and what you enjoyed
There was no time before time began
No space but a race to track time’s span
Bounding round the bend
When tenses and senses
Blur and blend
Where tale and teller
Together transcend
At the legend’s end
Second Circuit: Territorial Imperative
Pa pa pitter patter pasture pattern patrol foster pastor patriarchy patrician protect power power power power power
The howl fills the night with Wolf Flow logic
Mark your territory…
Prowling in packs of evaporating boundaries
Mark your territory…
A theater of threats to be held at bay
High stakes for both predator and prey
We all come from a long line of those who survived
By doing whatever it takes to stay alive
Is it really safer to be feared than ignored
From underdog to overlord
Use the Wolf Flow logic
Better mark your territory
Freedom’s just another word
For the power to say no
But you’ll fall right into line
There’s nowhere else to go
Wind up barking on a chain
The rough growl of quid pro quo
Ring the bell and the mouth starts to water
Tug at the leash and it only grows tighter
Show me a foe and a line to tow
Us and them is all I know
Follow that Wolf Flow Logic
Mark your territory
Better bow low before your authority
As you scale the hills of hunt-driven hierarchies
You stick with us and here’s what we’ll do
We’ll extend our strong-arm of protection to you
Protection from what? Protection from who?
From what we’re gonna do if you don’t join our crew
Participation is mandatory
That’s the Wolf Flow Logic
Know your enemy
Freedom’s just another word
For the power to say no
But you’ll fall right into line
There’s nowhere else to go
Wind up barking on a chain
The rough growl of quid pro quo
Ring the bell and the mouth starts to water
Tug at the leash and it only grows tighter
Show me a foe and a line to tow
Us and them is all I know
Wolf Flow Logic
Mark your territory
It’s a racket of protection natural selection
The rest of the gang is sharpening its fangs
Cutting throats and to overtaking game
Status survives on the power of pride
Claiming turf with every stride
Tread upon your neighbors’ heads
Be down with the pack if you wanna get fed
That’s the Wolf Flow logic
You’re in or you’re out
And if you’re out, if you’re out, you’re dead
Freedom’s just another word
For the power to say no
But you’ll fall right into line
There’s nowhere else to go
Wind up barking on a chain
The rough growl of quid pro quo
Ring the bell and the mouth starts to water
Tug at the leash and it only grows tighter
Show me a foe and a line to tow
Us and them is all I know
Follow Wolf Flow Logic
Mark your territory
Map out the pattern of patriarchy
Leaving behind a bloody legacy
Excreting its laws all over history
Priests and kings and daddy makes three
Trapping seeds in the nuclear family tree
You’re not the only one who can get uppity
That’s just how a bitch gotta be
Marking her territory
Yeah, the Wolf Flow Logic
Welcome to the Wolf Flow Lodge
Third Word: The Semantic Symbolic Circuit
Nomen nomenclature noun pronoun renown name nominate nominal denomination ignominy moniker eponymous anonymous misnomer anomaly onomatopoeia
Hmm. That’s a mouthful!
Names. We have all these funny words, which undo themselves by not living up to their names. For example, take the word, “monosyllable”, a multi-orgasmic, um, multi-syllabic tongue-twister. I mean, “monosyllable,” has five, count ’em, five syllables. What’s up with that?
“Onomatopoeia” is supposed to mean a word which sounds like a sound, except it doesn’t really sound like anything. “Vernacular” and “colloquial” are not even vaguely common or ordinary words. And “palindrome” backwards is just “obnoxious”. True story.
So maybe I’m going out on a limb here, but a little bird once told me that my language is just a bastardized dialect of birdsong. Actually, she didn’t call it a dialect. It’s one of those, how do you say? Pidgins. And a pidgin’s just a hard-luck dove.
I’m not sure I swallow all that, but my feathered friend said that what we call speech was originally a trick our ancestors picked up from imitating bird-calls. Yes, bird-calls, which are evidently a method of transmitting encoded intelligence briefings, within the high-spy community.
By parroting the whistles of birds, albeit with our thick primate guttural accents, we managed to acquire a scintilla of intelligence ourselves. Not enough to reliably understand each other, but once upon a time, as the crow flies, ancient humans didn’t have access to the lexical complexities of modern language at all. It was all grunts and farts back then.
According to the Epic of Gilgamesh, it was precisely this grunting and farting which led to cataclysmic global flooding. The stern decision to wash out emergent civilization came courtesy of some easily offended Sumerian deities, who, it is written, were fed up with the noise and stink of humanity. Oh, those humans! They smelled so loud!
As recorded in another contemporary myth, the survivors proceeded to make an even bigger mess of things, and became profoundly confused in the course of erecting a gaudy and hubristic sky-scraper. Words changed meaning so rapidly that mutual intelligibility was irrevocably lost in translation.
This tower was even more offensive to the heavens than the smell of Ur had been, and the high-rise project was cursed with communication failures. The Bible calls this tower “Babel”, but some scholars believe that the ambitious erection may have actually been called “Thump” by the ancients.
Mesoamerican folklore paints a curiously parallel picture. In the aftermath of a cosmic tsunami, the Goddess Xochiquetzal repopulated the world with wordless humans, who were nice enough, but had nothing whatsoever to contribute to the conversation.
Xochiquetzal thought this was rather dumb, so, as these deities are prone to do, She summoned a flock of doves to solution the situation. Now these doves, who always seem to do just fine during these floods, either taught the original languages to our ancestors, or were devoured by them. Accounts vary.
Several thousand years of pointless arguments later, scientists still debate the intelligence of our “high-brow” human whistlers, but the birds know that we’re merely mimicking them. Language still hangs like an albatross around our necks, making mischief in every shade of connotation.
Once upon a prehistoric time, the feather didn’t fall far from the wing, and jungle whistles were the words heard round the world. Speaking of whistling, there yet remain a few primitive enclaves where the bird is still the word, mostly in isolated hilly valleys where the acoustics carry the tune.
Today, these valleys are still home to modulated tonal languages which are whistled out by tribal humans, and the avian influence is obvious.
One such place is the Canary Islands, which wasn’t named for the birds at all, but for the canine wild wolves which probably ate a great many of them, who still wail off-key, baying at the moon in a hopeless yet heartfelt tribute. And that’s the wolf flow logic. Bark your territory.
I get my best work done in my sleep
Last night I made a mountain
That would make Olympus weep
Rode up there on a fountain
From a well ten miles deep
Found a fresh new world to live on
One we’ll have the wit to keep
Caught a comet out to Saturn’s rings
Where I had some Titans to meet
Zipped out by Jove to flex my wings
Waxen and weightless and fleet
Showed off my moves to some old dead kings
And headed for the source of things
When I was ready to meet the heat
Takes a lot for wax and strings
To fly away with freedom
Oh you’ve got the wings
But have you got the wisdom?
And if I have hold of one regret
As I tumble back to Earth in confusion
I wish I had laid my bets
Reckoning the power of hydro-fusion
Maybe if we’d weighed the real threats
Of flight by a child of the dungeon
All the dreams we haven’t seen yet
Beyond the reach of resolution
Takes a lot for wax and strings
To fly away with freedom
Oh you’ve got the wings
But have you got the wisdom?
In this game of musical stairs
All is lost if you’re stuck in a chair
The only way out is up in the air
As we contemplate compromising
The fire is below and quickly rising
Take the elevator all the way to the top
When you get there just forget to stop
Oh Icarus, put some sunscreen on your face
There’s no ozone out in outer space
Takes a lot for wax and strings
To fly away with freedom
Oh you’ve got the wings
But have you got the wisdom?
Fourth Circuit: Cultural Context
Us them us dem us dem dem dem democracy domestic domicile domain dominate dominion despot dungeon us dem us dem us dem
Will I get more milk with a smile or a scream
That grove is green, but what does it mean?
Is that a lurking shadow or a wolverine?
How am I to interpret that gleam?
Are you looking to meat me, eat me
Or are we on the same team?
Is this whole routine just a fever dream
Ignore the bark or flee the bite
Bank to the left or bolt to the right
It’s a battleground of mind versus might
Food or poison better guess well
One fills your belly, the other sends you to hell
Quagmire quicksand oasis mirage
Water or danger wrapped in camouflage?
Why’s it so bright in the middle of the night?
That can’t be the moon dropping all that light
Should I head downwind or back upstream
Survival safe arrival partner or rival
At what point should I intervene?
It’s all up to the Judgement Machine
And I am a Judgement Machine
Know what I mean?
Judgement Machine
Scope out the Scene
Judgement Machine
You, me, and authority
Ordered by the Judgement Machine
Our voices our choices
Our hands and our feet
Our tongues and our lungs
Our eyes and our ears
Driven by the gears
Of the Judgement Machine
Judgement Machine
Know what I mean?
Madonna whore can I please have some more?
Did we break a glass ceiling or hit the floor?
Dominance dancing with submission
What’s my mission and why should I care?
Where do I fit into this institution?
From vestal virgin to barren librarian
Takes a soapbox to organize a choir
Like it takes a village to raise an empire
Unity discrimination loyalty retaliation
Tribes and nations, demand political affiliation
But I’m at one with my alienation
And I’m a Judgement Machine
Ya know what I mean?
Father and mother self and other
Slamming together in a nuclear reactor
Generations fused through chains of traditions
Identity in a centrifuge of confusion
Melting down the core of authority
Runaway engines of individuality
Parallel tracks laid by carrot and stick
Containment vectors that make us tick
Thesis antithesis diametric opposition
Cascading convergence of conflicting visions
And I am a Judgement Machine
Know what I mean?
Judgement Machine
Scope out the Scene
Judgement Machine
You, me, and authority
Ordered by the Judgement Machine
Our voices our choices
Our hands and our feet
Our tongues and our lungs
Our eyes and our ears
Driven by the gears
Of the Judgement Machine
Judgement Machine
Know what I mean?
Army corps guarding the company store
Missing the skyline for the smog
Trails blazing or cultural fog?
Cloud bank foreclosing across our horizons
Allies and enemies in revolving doors
Stoking the brushfire of retribution
No problems, merely fluid situations
No solutions but new crystalline formations
Rotating roles for the next revolution
Judgement machine: Powered by Evolution!
And I am a Judgement Machine
Know what I mean?
Judgement Machine
Scope out the Scene
Judgement Machine
You, me, and authority
Ordered by the Judgement Machine
Our voices our choices
Our hands and our feet
Our tongues and our lungs
Our eyes and our ears
Driven by the gears
Of the Judgement Machine
Judgement Machine
Know what I mean?
Fifth Circuit: Somatic Awareness
Inhale. Exhale. Hail Eris. Hail Eris!
Er es er es to be yes absence essence entity present interest art error erratic aberration orient origin to be in motion er es er es
Did you ever have a thought that got so far out that it goes all the way around the Cosmos and smacks you in the back of your head?
Some thinkers seem to think that thinking is proof of existence. Well, I think that’s putting Descartes before the horse.
I’ve thought about it a lot, but I’m not sure I can really prove the existence of thought at all.
What if I’m only imagining my thoughts? What if I’m hallucinating them? What if I’m just a character in your virtual reality simulation?
Anyway, I think that thinking as evidence of existence requires additional consideration, so I operate under the alternate credo: I art, therefore I am. Pardon my alternative grammar.
There must be more to life than all these social mores and regurgitation of DNA! More to consciousness than status games and ego trips! There must be more to the mind than sorting information, and more to the soul than avoiding damnation!
We’re surfing the soup of being and nothingness, transcendent sentient entities seeking equilibrium, as we coalesce into unity with eternity.
Dancing, fasting, rituals of holistic action, hedonism, deprivation, expansion, devotion, mantras, mudras, prayers, recitations and fresh creations. Existence in motion. Being and becoming.Being and becoming.
Now, we’re rising above the routines which run the robot body though the obstacle course of culture, which corral the soul in a narrow band of improbable theologies.
We ascend to the seat of the soul. This is where mind becomes psyche. This is where the entire neurosomatic matrix becomes a sensory organ tuned to the emanations of an unseen sphere. Existence in motion. Being and becoming.
Here we orbit a nebula of distant probabilities, a plethora of untapped possibilities. Here we strip the artifice from the art, and call forth the sirens dwelling in our deepest hearts.
Here we awaken our dreams, as we contemplate the inevitability of our reflexive collective destinies. Here the future is as dim as the past, for now is always passing fast.
I’ve got a womb at the inn. It’s getting crowded in here, but there’s no one else around. I’m outgrowing the Yoniverse. There’s a knock, knock, knocking at my door. Sounds like biology getting carried away with itself.
Room cervix! Checkout time. Return to reincarnation station.
This is the song that never ends. This is the ordeal of animation. This is the portal to never-ending, everlasting laughter and tears. Here’s a world of passion and pain, a play already in progress, from a chain of big bangs to a chorus of eight billion whimpers.
Existence in motion. Being and becoming.
Showtime! From the instant of conception I was only an idea, a glint in a wild eye, fragile, formless, a collection of notions and odd scraps of observation.
I was a dream grafted on reality, a runaway train of thought with an uncertain destination, chug-chug-chug, climbing the hill to Manifest Station.
I was born in January, under the shadow of a tyranny. Or was it December, or even September? I don’t quite remember. I’m not sure who I was before, in a world where the night-stick is bruised and sore. Weren’t we all born in 1984?
What if causes are created by their effects, streaming on a beam of whatever meaning remains after the illusion of self is shattered?
Find the form of the flow and let your Self go. Go! Head for the crown of creation! Talent is cheap, genius takes devotion.
Turn the trick of transmigration. We’re held in webs of nonlocal cognition, firing on all cylinders of mystical intuition. We’re pondering the riddle of our own reflections, rippling wave-forms radiating in all directions.
I’ve got a proposition for you. An aesthetic proposition. I’ll give you a piece of my mind, and you’ll let me live in your memories. What do you think? I think I art, therefore I am.
The first part of any plan
Better factor in the glitch
If the thread is held by human hands
That’s where you’ll find the hitch
They say two wrongs don’t make a right
But sometimes three lefts do
Luck has struck again despite
The brambles I stumbled through
Well, the rope might slip
If you lose your grip
Fickle fate always flips
That’s the chance you take
Every success is made of mistakes
Many a mountaineer’s crumbled in terror
Afraid to gamble all on a guess
I’ll just climb my lattice of errors
And make an impeccable mess
The difference between silent and listen
It’s all in the order of the letters
No matter how well this one’s done
Somebody already did it better
That’s the rule of thumb
So open all three eyes
Ask tomorrow what today becomes
For in hindsight we are truly wise
Invent, reinvent, rinse and and repeat
For a phrase uttered by any other tongue
Still sounds as bittersweet
Maximized adages across the free range
Our common currency
It’s the medium of exchange
Bring out that old worn-out homily
For some things never do change
The proverbial wheel
Rumbling through time
Catchy phrases spiced
With a dash of euphony
A twist of irony
And a splash of rhyme
Bites of sound
Stick around when we’re gone
Dependable as tomorrow’s dawn
Yeah, you know what they always say
Led tritely through the land of the living cliché
Over shaky terrain and tricky gaps
With borrowed tools and faith of the Fool
Making miracles out of mishaps
When the tether unravels from the spool
So take it with a grain of philosophy
If you’ve grooved into a ditch
That lesson was tendered in catastrophe
Value hard knocks and you’ll always be rich
Well, the rope might slip
If you lose your grip
Fickle fate always flips
That’s the chance you take
Every success is made of mistakes
Many a mountaineer’s crumbled in terror
Afraid to gamble all on a guess
I’ll just climb my lattice of errors
And make an impeccable mess
I’m a broker by day
Even broker by night
We deal in shades of grey
Green fading into white
Delivery’s done
Fortune’s won
Pockets stuffed
With burning dough
Another run
Under the gun
Just a little less
Than I owe
Standby for the catch-phrase king
Rumbling toward his reckoning
Hanging on to his buzz
By a very thin string
Superhero quick
And Houdini slick
Slinging dreams
From his bag of tricks
Dancing fast
With danger and doom
As a cloud of glitter
Spins the room
Sustained by adrenaline’s sonic boom
Filled to the brim
With vinegar and piss
Guess I always knew
It would go down like this
You ain’t got to be no prophet
To see the wiring in the walls
Just take a look
At the history books
The big ballers always fall
Once I thought you were the Devil himself
With Heaven in a bottle
Sitting right on your shelf
But when the Reaper arrives
To ring your bell
Bet you’ll turn a profit
Smuggling smoke into Hell
Zipping past at the speed of need
Wherever desperation drips
Sucking poisoned seeds of greed
On the short side of the flip
Can’t spare a second to sniff the roses
Hey, there’s enough cocaine
On this here plane
To numb ten million noses!
I’d sell you my soul
But it’s already sold
Traded to the trolls
For some shiny Mule’s Gold
You ain’t got to be no prophet
To see the wiring in the walls
Just take a look
At the history books
The big ballers always fall
Once I thought you were the Devil himself
With Heaven in a bottle
Sitting right on your shelf
But when the Reaper arrives
To ring your bell
I bet you’ll turn a profit
Smuggling smoke into Hell
The game started getting
Grim and gruff
The men in suits shuffled in
Talking tough
And bursting with bluff
Down for a round
Of no one wins
They ambled over to the table
And laid out some heavy stakes
Though they said they might be able
To cut someone a lucky break
This business of chemistry
It’s all a thin-lined blur
The edge of integrity
Where sleight of mind occurs
So if I loosen my collar
It’s ’cause this heat is a drag
Bet doughnuts to dollars
It’ll be the mule with the bag
You ain’t got to be no prophet
To see the wiring in the walls
Just take a look
At the history books
The big ballers always fall
Once I thought
You were the Devil himself
With Heaven in a bottle
Sitting right on your shelf
But when the Reaper arrives
To ring your bell
I bet you’ll turn a profit
Smuggling smoke into Hell
Look, the dealer’s done
Said the Fed
And your head’s
Stuck in a noose
If you ever want to sleep
In your own bed
Better lay your cards down loose
Go ahead
And take this pen
Before the deal
Comes round again
‘Cause the guilty ones
Draw a deuce
But the innocent
Get sent for ten
Please, please, please
Don’t you plead
No, please, please, please
Don’t you plead
I swear we’ll all be freed
So please, please, please
Don’t you plead
Oh, no, sir, I’ll take my odds
You can keep your devil’s deals
Praying silently to all the gods
Every lip stays zipped and sealed
Oh, let me relieve your doubt
Save us all a little time
There’s no more point in holding out
Your friends, they dropped the dime
Truth’s reduced to poker chips
Sweat’s thick enough to drown
If so much as one word slips
That house of cards comes tumbling down
It’s all about timing
And being where it’s at
When the temperature is climbing
Go bust the thermostat
Teapot whistle screaming
Mercury’s gone to your head
Everybody scramble
Hatter’s mad
And seeing red
You ain’t got to be no prophet
To see the wiring in the walls
Just take a look
At the history books
The big ballers always fall
Once I thought
You were the Devil himself
With Heaven in a bottle
Sitting right on your shelf
But when the Reaper arrives
To ring your bell
I bet you’ll turn a profit
Smuggling smoke into Hell
Sixth Circuit: Neuro-Electric Meta-Programming
Gno know noble ignore notice cunning incognito reconnaissance diagnosis notify ignorant notorious connoisseur connotation knowable notion gnosis gnosis gnosis
Well, the temple’s between the ear and the I
The house of cognition, pattern recognition
Pentagons to the left of me
Apples to the right
And when they come together
The seeds of strife ignite
And when they fall apart
The tree rises from the heart
What I spy in the corner of my I
A glimmer of vision
It’s a whisper of wisdom
A taste of creation
The world in gyration
Iridescent transmissions
Orbiting the origin
Still burning within
As thunder rings throughout the spheres
Eureka! Eureka! That’s the future you hear
It’s a lightning bolt
It’s a camera flash
An earthshaking jolt
As continents crash
As above so below
Just follow your nose
No more guessing, you know
Ride the rising tide inside
For sense is the essence of essence
And the night sky will be your guide
The temple’s between the earth and the sky
Branches and roots of RealiTree
Made of all our woulds and coulds
Hidden by a canopy
Of transitory leaves
Falling faster than we perceive
Watered by springs of intuition
Struck by starlight
And triggered into fruition
It’s a lightning bolt
It’s a camera flash
An earthshaking jolt
As continents crash
As above so below
Just follow your nose
No more guessing, you know
Ride the rising tide inside
For sense is the essence of essence
And the night sky will be your guide
In one I and out I fly
Lest the vessel ossify
In the space and span I occupy
Here I am, here for the duration
Swimming in emanations and emitting vibrations
In web of holistic fractal pattern causation
For everything’s created by what it is not
Every pair of opposites grow on the same lot
And that’s why you’d best love your enemy
If only for being who you don’t have to be
In one ear and out the I
Expanding rings of stimuli
Over-growing flowing charts
Navigating our star-charts of art
We’ve got a compass and ephemeris
A map of nested mirror images
Over here dwells the highly surreal
Dripping with morphing visages
And when the meta and the “for” line up
Ideas cascade from some bottomless cup
It’s a lightning bolt
It’s a camera flash
An earthshaking jolt
As continents crash
As above so below
Just follow your nose
No more guessing, you know
Ride the rising tide inside
For sense is the essence of essence
And the night sky will be your guide
By the by there’s no more I
Who what where when how and why
There’s only the gnosis, the gnosis
Filtered through reverse osmosis
Known and unknown
Locked in a jitterbug dance
Inverse Universe in recursive expanse
Bend and transcend and do it again
For this initiation never really ends
It’s a lightning bolt
It’s a camera flash
An earthshaking jolt
As continents crash
As above so below
Just follow your nose
No more guessing, you know
Ride the rising tide inside
For sense is the essence of essence
And the night sky will be your guide
With a breath does it begin
Djinn origin original Djinn
Invisibly indivisible
Djinn origin original Djinn
As the serpent sheds another skin
Djinn origin original Djinn
Exposing hidden dimensions within
Djinn origin original Djinn!
Read more: Djinn You Win
Yes, I’d like to Order Chaos, with an extra bun
As I am a very strict heretical Discordian nun
Buns are forbidden for some stupid reason
By my very Sirius-ly disorganized religion
Yes, let us roast and toast the Sacred Chao
Cause now is Zen and Zen is now
Step right up and select your illusion
Hail Eris and pass the confusion!
Read more: Pass The Confusion
Once a couple withheld an invitation
From Eris due to Her bad reputation
They wanted to host a quiet affair
And thought it best if She weren’t there
The Goddess of Discord took great offense
Tired of always being barred from events
Her social calendar in complete disarray
With nothing at all to do on that day
Read more: Golden Apple
I met him pike hoses
In protean pantomimes
Where the meta juxtaposes
And where the mystery rhymes
It takes a special kind of crazy
To host a ghost in stride
Ride you like a pale pookah
Down to the séance inside
Read more: Ghost Writer Boogie
Now, here comes everybody
And who might this everybody be?
Might it be fair to say you who
You who see and me
All in all, there’s worlds to miss
But I trust there must
Be some use in this
Flurried words overheard
A thousand thundering thoughts
As you scurry off to scribe
Whatever goods could be caught
Embers smolder hearth-broken
Our dream has awoken
We fall and we wake
In the wake of daily falls
Unclear clarion calls
Coming from under the coveralls
Read more: Here Comes Everybody
I’m not trying to rise to sainthood
Nor vying for a Nobel prize
I plan to be good and misunderstood
So here’s a word or two for the wise
My miracles are mighty meager
Y’all better bring your own wine
Yes, I’ve been known to walk on water
But only in the winter time
Read more: Sugar Coated
Fire in the wax museum
Effigies melting down
But the fever’s just a symptom
Of what’s ailing this town
The fountain’s spoutin’ oil
The mountain’s slick with grease
The river’s fixin’ to boil
And the valley knows no peace
Read more: Trojan Horse
Oh, scenes of the future, beckoning the past
And there’s no reckoning if this new hope will last
Not much sense dwelling in dreams
But I harbor no doubt what that was about
For I spell out what frequently seem
Obvious omens rippling in the stream
Read more: Inkblot Kettlepot
Once upon a lovely summer dawn
A generation went boom
So many lines went undrawn
When the walls ran out of room
Splintered and cast adrift
Scattered by the technicolor shift
Oh, you can feel the aftershocks
From that rumbling quake
Like an avalanche of rolling rocks
That still makes foundations shake
Went to the Universe City
Where it’s all matter of degree
Where the walls breathe relativity
Where the electric bombshell dropped
Where the static bubble popped
Turn on tune in to what the pine cone sees
With a crystal clear batch of pure Phd
Liquid synchronicity dust
The kaleidoscope catalyst
Problem child
Of a Swiss bicyclist
Strange such a substance
Should even exist
The kaleidoscope catalyst
Demeter’s hidden kiss
The kaleidoscope catalyst
Forged in the crucible of serendipity
An accident of birth
Born to neutral chemistry
As Mars took over the Earth
Waging what a broken atom’s worth
With Pluto right behind
This one blows up cities
But this one blows your mind
Man, the age was more than Aquarian
It was overtly subversive
And downright contrarian
When all the senses combined
Tasting synesthesia views
Turning on cultures colorblind
To intangible magical hues
Went to the Universe City
Where it’s all matter of degree
Where the walls breathe relativity
Where the electric bombshell dropped
Where the static bubble popped
Turn on tune in to what the pine cone sees
With a crystal clear batch of pure Phd
Liquid synchronicity dust
The kaleidoscope catalyst
Problem child
Of a Swiss bicyclist
Strange such a substance
Should even exist
The kaleidoscope catalyst
Demeter’s hidden kiss
The kaleidoscope catalyst
Oh yes that sound is still around
Though fainter with every year
But if you keep both ears to the ground
There’s just enough left to hear
Lost secret dimensions
The rye’s no mystery to me
For my essence is Eleusinian
Awaiting the return of Persephone
Went to the Universe City
Where it’s all matter of degree
Where the walls breathe relativity
Where the electric bombshell dropped
Where the static bubble popped
Turn on tune in to what the pine cone sees
With a crystal clear batch of pure Phd
Liquid synchronicity dust
The kaleidoscope catalyst
Problem child
Of a Swiss bicyclist
Strange such a substance
Should even exist
The kaleidoscope catalyst
Demeter’s hidden kiss
The kaleidoscope catalyst
Let my people go, I told the Pharaoh
Let them go from their conceptual bondage!
Let them be liberated from their limited horizons
Let them be free to finally see
That after all this
We’re still in the throes of slavery
Let my people go, I told the Pharaoh
And they are all my people
From the starving poor
To the Masters of War
They are my people
And they will till your fields no more
Let my people go, I warned
Or before your Empire is mourned
The sea will swallow your screams of horror
More plagues we shall call
Chipping away all your layers of walls
Until your pyramid finally falls
Let my people go, Pharaoh,
For you too are held in the trap
There is a way out and here is the map
Let my people go from their Irony Prison
The pentagon fortress of Western Material Rationalism!
Let my people go from the dark dungeons
Of dogmatic frozen sons of schism
Let my people go, for only as one can we be freed
Let my people go, from the poison pill of greed
Let my people go, or the plagues will descend
And your children will desert you and all you intend
Just be sure we’re free and clear
Or we’ll release the worst of your Dynasty’s fears
And shed no Nile Crocodile Tears
When the trumpet blares in your ancient ears
Let my people go, from hopelessly outmoded
Moldy old phoney moralities!
From mindless allegiance to authority
And from the stench of ugly bigotry
From the catacombs of how things used to be
When so-and-so the seventeenth lorded over humanity
Let my people go, Pharaoh
It’s for your own good
These pyramids are ruining the neighborhood
Let my people go, for you live here too
Something’s got to go
So like this a cat a few thousand years ago
I say, Pharaoh, let my people go!
Let my people go!
Let my people go!
They are all my people, every last one
Your house will be troubled
Until our freedom is won
Your house will be troubled
Until our freedom is won
Betty never shirked a day of work
She was the picture of the perfect clerk
She knew at the Bureau that mum’s the word
No matter what secrets might be overheard
She never typed off-key or misplaced her smile
Misspelled a memo or lost a file
I saw most of the minds of my generation
Sold a cheap plastic corporate vision
Between rounds of life imitation
Ground in the gears of media transmissions
America is huddled and shivering tonight
And the papers and airwaves are filled with fright
As we rubberneck around to catch the sight
Of tragedy so common it starts to seem trite
Professional puffballs playing up and out the rage
Struck with sudden bouts of humanity on stage
On pitiful puppet strings until the turn of page
Turns darkly to demand blood and that war be waged
That the beast of vengeance be loosed from the cage
Dare we look it clear in the eye?
Dare we admit we always knew why?
Dare we take the rap for the big bad lie
And cop to truth behind that American Dream pie
Baked from the bodies of slaughtered braves
Seasoned with the stolen sweat of slaves
Spoiling under curses streaming from graves
And spilled along an oily path privately paved
Can we resist deflecting the finger of blame
Swallow the humble pie slathered in shame
Evil done by our hand, evil done in our name
It is the evil of our Empire just the same
Justice is not this twisted revenge that is taught
Extracting from scapegoats the cost of getting caught
It is an obligation to own in our deepest of thoughts
That the buck stops here where this bubble was bought
I pledge allegiance to the mixed bag
Of the United States of Experience
Cause a Fascist by any other flag
Stinks to high hell of the same arrogance
And if you want me to subscribe
To that hope and change vibe
I do sincerely hope that change
Is more than the old shell game rearranged
Cause all I see is my rights down the shitter
Hunted to extinction by mindless drone planes
Beamed in by our electric baby-sitter
As little America goes dramatically insane
And drowns in a flood of insipid glitter
Land of the angry and home of the vain
So when the awful reality touches down
And the death and horror is all around
And the guns have put us down on the ground
And we hear for ourselves war’s gruesome sound
Let us not cast about for some demon to hate
Let us not run into the arms of the State
I myself have no more trust to give
To a government that cares not one bit if I live
And if you try to claim this “democracy”
Is other than an elaborate hypocrisy
None are so blind as those refusing to see
How our stolen minds are miles from free
And this exercise in communal futility
Has driven us to the edge of gullibility
Is it our duty to dwell in our guilt?
To purge the pain on which our monuments were built
Another layer of fossils dissolving to silt
Accumulating ages of archeology’s quilt
It took millennia to achieve this height
Of hubris where our petty fights
Scan the planet every night
In the game to command the blinking of lights
The darkness comes from the very same source
The madness of advancing freedom by force
It hits with shock it hits with awe
The blowback even the poorest prophets foresaw
As we try to comprehend these monstrous mirrors
Manifest destiny of our collective fears
Armed assassin of the vain illusion
That surely there must be some confusion
We’ve paid protection for our picket fences
We’ve paid our dues to our proper pretenses
My hands are bloody, America.
No excuses. No evasion.
I am the child of a pathological invasion.
I did not start this war
But I am part of what they started it for
I have no power to raise the dead
But I’ll be damned if one more death on my head
Will go by without even a word being said
So now, perhaps, that we’re feeling meek
Can we also consider those America killed last week?
Did you ever stop to wonder
Who scattered this trail of silver?
And crafted raft after raft to save
Some unknown swimmer in the river?
We knew you’d one day crest this wave
A dreamer and devoted Great Worker
So eyes on the prize, gems that flicker
They’re visible only to the wild and brave
Who trust the current to deliver
We can conjure what you crave
It works as well without a wand
The power is in the wave
And a little help from the Great Beyond
Count all those shells you’ve saved
If you trust your motivation
Just redeem all your misgivings
On the way to Manifest Station
The whistle blows echoes of laughter
Chugging on levity’s elevation
You won’t find what you’re after
In any book of incantations
Orient on that which makes you whole
Now that’s your destination
So bring your body mind and soul
Together at Manifest Station
Yes, let’s get this wish
To Manifest Station
The electric express
To Manifest Station
No need to guess
About Manifest Station
Go East Go West
You’ll find Manifest Station
Just bring your best
To Manifest Station
Conjure just past any juncture
Where you have taken a sacred position
Invoke the stop that never stops
In the space between transitions
So all aboard this train of thought
With an ephemeral ticket which can’t be bought
No guessing what it might be worth
The midnight special to Manifest Station
Bringing dreams all over the Earth
Let’s get this wish
To Manifest Station
The electric express
To Manifest Station
No need to guess
About Manifest Station
Go East Go West
To Manifest Station
Just bring your best
To Manifest Station
Rolling on wonder, rumbling thunder
The engine driven by the fire within
Fueled by the soul and hidden by skin
On the fast-track to where it all begins
The breath at the core of the Original Spin
Sometimes the schedule runs a little late
And the train arrives in a different state
The itinerary frequently fluctuates
En route to Manifest Station
So let’s get this wish
To Manifest Station
The electric express
To Manifest Station
No need to guess
About Manifest Station
Go East Go West
To Manifest Station
Just bring your best
To Manifest Station
Bring your best
To Manifest Station (x3)
A tale of two twins
Orphans split up at birth
As opposite as yang and yin
As different as sky and Earth
One twin was sent off to a tower
A tower of ivory and jade
Taught to use the tools of power
And the rules of forging blades
The other twin was tossed aside
Hobbled by a twisted spine
Cast on a raft to ride out the tide
And vanish from the grand design
This is the tale
Of the hook and the nail
Is this the tale
Of the hook and the nail?
Is it a quest for a question?
Or the yes of exclamation!
Seeking success
In parallel formation
Waging perpetual war
For your attention
Finding solace
Only in rotation
This is the tale
Of the hook and the nail!
Is this the tale
Of the hook and the nail?
Raised by a school of sirens
The hunchback queried introspection
Melodious genuflections
Heading in any direction
The soldier was an upright citizen
Certain such questioning was a sin
For he knew just how many seraphim
Could crowd on the point of a pin
Hunchback huddles
Pondering puddles
Slippery and subtle
And eternally unfilled
Exclamation army
Firing at will
Aiming at truths
That just won’t stand still
A tale of two twins
Orphans split up at birth
As opposite as yang and yin
As different as sky and Earth
This is the tale
Of the hook and the nail
Is this the tale
Of the hook and the nail?
Is it a quest for a question?
Or the yes of exclamation!
Seeking success
In parallel formation
Waging perpetual war
For your attention
Finding solace
Only in rotation
This is the tale
Of the hook and the nail!
Is this the tale
Of the hook and the nail?
Quite a crowd at Muse’s Mountain
Line winding well beyond the horizon
The mighty and the meek
On a fool’s crusade
A hubristic parade
All made equal as they seek
A cryptic fate to evade
Sneaking one fleeting peek
Behind time’s curtain
And they’re emerging looking
Even more uncertain
They come to banish their blues
Collecting useless future clues
Catch a sketch of tomorrow’s news
Which of these avenues shall I choose?
If I rush into battle, will I win or lose?
How do I know if any of this is true?
Are the gods my undoing, or is it you?
No answer makes sense when
The question’s confused
Down to Delphi
For a spot of riddles and rye
Down to Delphi
Answers never seem to apply
Down to Delphi
Advice you’re bound to defy
Down to Delphi
Whatever they try to prophesy
I’d seen all the tragedies
The future, it never ends well
I’d been to all the Mysteries
And had Kykion on a half-shell
Not sure what I was looking for
What would Pythia have in store?
Maybe an ambiguous turn of phrase
To change my soul forevermore
Well, Delphi, it’s on any bucket list
One of those destinations not to be missed
So I sat at the feet of the Oracle
She deeply inhaled the fumes
And she asked me for a riddle
But I could only hum the tune
I asked her if all of these equations
Were merely the sums of our creations
Then she said, take this up in your head
The only true gold is information
Your world’s not made out of particles
Your mind is made in their relation
Down to Delphi
For a spot of riddles and rye
Down to Delphi
Answers never seem to apply
Down to Delphi
Advice you’re bound to defy
Down to Delphi
Whatever they try to prophesy
Seventh Circuit: Non-Local Morphogenesis
Ge-ne Ge-ne Ge-ne Gene Genetic Genesis Generate Genuine Engender Generous Engine Innate Nature Genius Generation Generation Generation
Do you ever wonder what happens during the dreams you can’t remember? Did they happen at all, and, if so, to whom?
Are dreams just a private de-briefing, for third eyes only, downloading the details of daily life so that the subconscious mind knows what to be neurotic about?
Why is a raven like a writing desk?
Freud slipped, I mean spilled, a great deal of ink on the subject of dreams. But schemes to interpret the surreal symbolism in dreams are missing the forests for the trees falling inside of them.
I’m less interested in what any given dream means, than in the meaning of dreaming.
Who is this dreamer, so at home within intangible landscapes, so familiar with the impossible? This dreamer who can only be known through vanishing wisps of ineffable sensations and paradoxical situations which unravel as daylight and rationality set in?
Making sense of the world is like standing on your head while breathing backward. On one hand, we have mystical philosophies which picture the observable world as a room of illusions; on the other, scientific materialists who assign truth value only to the verifiably quantifiable.
So, pray tell, what might be the truth value of the movie in my sleep-struck mind? I can’t prove the events in my dreams to you. I can’t even prove them to myself.
Does a notion have to be plausible, to generate applause? If a television is turned off, are the sitcoms still vapid and inane? If someone answers a rhetorical question, is it still a koan?
Why did a soup of inorganic compounds spontaneously elect to organize along political lines? Why on Earth would such an unlikely event transpire? Life does seem a little strange.
A little strange. Like a strange loop. A self-generated cause. It happens because it happens. Or does it? After so many “whys”, we’re none the wiser.
Such a grand design, all these dimensions in concrescence, seem to imply some sort of Designer, a mad scientist experimenting in the sky. Or so the monotheopoly claims in their brochures.
But creation isn’t necessarily a product of intelligent design. The design IS intelligence. The design IS intelligence.
We see the world through the lens of an assembled self, a refractory looking glass, filtering phenomena and projecting mythology.
We are the patterns we perceive, we are the patterns we perceive, we are the patterns we perceive, embossed in relief.
The Self is a border crossing, a membrane between inner and outer space. Inner space is mostly made of water, just like the surface of our suspiciously habitable planet.
Outer space, according to science, is made up mostly of massive physics equations, punctuated by stars and such.
Stars, I’m told, composed primarily of hydrogen, which is a positively charged particle of almost nothing, in a complicated on-again, off-again long-distance relationship with a flaky negative electron, who exists even less.
Divinity isn’t an entity; it’s a substrate. A substrate.
A quality of consciousness, a ratio of relation, transmigrating from synapse to nebula and back again, from particle to planet and star, partaking and taking part of the physical and metaphysical, the real and the imaginary, dwelling in undiscovered dimensions of superposition.
By the way, we’re holding a fundraiser to save Shroedinger’s cat. Please donate locally, and act Galactically. Deposit your contributions in the golden balloon.
Water isn’t an entity; it’s a substance.
Drops of water; pools of water; streams and oceans of it, evaporating into lofty clouds and eventually condensing into rain, retaining individual identity only for the duration of the fall to Earth, before puddling into the mud.
Swimming in the subspace substrate.
So what has all this to do with the spice of tea in Wonderland?
Is a cup of water still a cup of water, once the water has been drunk or spilt, once the cup has splintered into a thousand shards?
Mind might be held by matter, but, like water, flows from vessel to vessel, to be absorbed spontaneously by those who are thirsty and eager to think.
We all pay in different ways for our education, but the cost of tuition comes down to paying attention. Paying attention. Paying attention.
The way I see it, an eye is all any of us are. A point of you. A perspective.
Perspective: I’ll show you mine, if you show me yours. We’re comparing notes, exchanging angles of view, sharing vantage points on reality.
We’re reference frames, unique only in our location and duration. One mind: infinite variations.
We’re all coming on for a cameo in each other’s biopics. You live your whole life to see and be in a movie that unwinds, real-to-real, inside the private showing room of your mind. Are you a spectator, or director? An actor or projector?
Reel-to-reel. Real, too real. Surreal.
Just a movie in your mind. Just a movie in your mind. Just a movie in your mind.
Seen any good flicks lately?
Eighth Circuit: Cosmic Consciousness
Mag May Might Magnet Magnify Magnanimous Magnificent Machine Magic Maxims Maximum Magnitude Magma Magnum Opus Magnum Opus Magnum Opus
Open open open opening opening under the Sun bathed in a shower of photons, synthesis in motion, landing on a canopy of fractal branches, reflecting the roots, digging ever deeper, ever deeper, as above, so below, as above, so below, you know, you know, dig deeper. Dig deeper.
We are a star awaiting ignition, we are a star lit with cognition, fed by fusion and spread by fission. We are the neurons of the collective consciousness, firing our will, at a truth that won’t stand still.
Firing our will, at a truth that won’t stand still.
We are the rationale for rationality, baying at the moon from the Wolf Flow Lodge, where dogmas are enshrined.
We are Judgment Machines assembling the puzzle pieces of culture and nature in the smithy of our souls.
We are the Word made flesh, and the world made words. We are Logos, incorporated. Logos, incorporated.
We are the map of a territory too vast to encompass. We are the great and small vehicles of perpetual existence in motion. Existence in motion. Existence in motion.
We are a star. We are a star. We are the set of all we are the set of all we are the set of all we are.
Concrescence of concept, multi-modular modalities. Reality is a tree.
We can swing from the limb over here, and it holds up under the weight of what we know, but there’s another monkey over there, hanging from another branch, and we don’t speak the same language, and we don’t see eye to eye.
And there’s a bird over here calling both of us coo-coo, and even the loons, raven, raven, raven, the deeper you dig, the higher you fly.
I’ve got a confession to make. I’m addicted to morphemes. No, not the painkiller. I’m talking about the molecule of meaning. Morphemes.
I’m hooked on phonics, and mad about semantics. Some kids play with their food. I played with my words. Alphabet soup is my favorite. Oh, go ahead. Laugh. You should have fun at my expanse.
Morphing morphemes, meaning more, more meaning. Or less. Less meaning. Meaning less. Meaningless. Meaningless.
Immortal murmurs murmuring morphogenetic mantras, morphing meaning, what does it mean? Who does it mean? Why does it mean? More lessons, less morons. More morphemes! More morphemes!
Water you drinking, water you doing, water you thinking, water you feeling, water you doing, water you thinking, water you drinking.
Water, rising through the roots, drawn onward, drawn onward, pumped through the mainstream trunk, pumping, pumping, toward a branch which branches and fruits, on a quest toward the Sun.
And under the cover of leaves, solar-powered organic engines, grow seeds, eggs, more than any forest wants or needs, all spinning the wheel of eggs-istential roulette. Will I land on soft Earth? Will I win the lottery of birth?
Existence in motion. I think I am I think I am I think therefore I art therefore I think I art therefore I am I art therefore I am. A standing ovation.
And now, back to your regularly scheduled simulated reality programming.
Baryons and leptons, strange quarks and unstable particles of all wavelengths! Who is the wizard who walks through walls, scintillates at the speed of light, and oscillates among flavors in mid-flight?
Elementary, my dear boson. I am the great and infinitesimal Count Neutrino, magician of spin.
Tonight, we shall delight in the manifest miracles of a Cosmos in motion. Welcome to my lair, a laboratory auditorium, where we put the macrocosm under the microscope, and bend the lenses of perception.
Let’s adjust the angle of you, as we surf the pulses of the surreal cortex and the nebulous neural net for a quantum leap across synapse gaps.
Envision a global landscape standing still beneath our feet, while rotating away the day at a thousand miles per hour; a planet running laps in an orbital track at around a thousand times the speed of sound; an Earth drawn through the galaxy by the fiery chariot of Helios, blasting past at nearly half a million miles per hour.
You may need your reading glasses on for this first trick. Observe, in my right hand, a bright little photon, acting as a particle; in my left hand, another photon, behaving like a wave.
Or, is the photon waving in my right hand, while being particular in the left? Does it matter? Does it energy?
If a particle waves and there’s no observer around to gather data, can the physics department still secure a research grant?
Behold! The photons have morphed into electrons, through the magical transmutation of photo-voltaic alchemy. Watch carefully as I split up these twin points of light, propelling them toward distinct destinies.
See the invisible cord linking them? No? Neither do I.
Yet as these particles drift apart, going their separate ways, they remain linked, mystically entangled, like unfortunate ex-lovers still carrying the torch.
Speaking of entanglement, for my next trick, I will transform this ordinary, wingless caterpillar into a brilliant aeronautical butterfly, through the sorcery of metamorphosis.
The flutter-by effect?! Gag me with a cocoon! {Hand-flap butterfly}
See how the gentle breeze generated by these flapping wings leads to a wild tornado in, say, faraway Texas? No, on second thought, make that Kansas.
Yes, the flatland of Kansas, where a simple farm girl is waiting to be swept off her feet to an outrageous allegorical fable, where she will murder a witch and steal her shoes, cavorting with straw-men and other logical fallacies.
Let’s skip down the gold-brick road, silk road, or any road, toward the Rubric’s cube at the core of experience, where chance happenstance assembles itself into coherent structures of concrete metaphor, to eventually unmask a dubious wizard, lurking behind Rube Goldberg Machines and concealed by a curtain of mystery.
Have we opened a window on a new world, or merely stumbled into a looking glass, curving and inverting what we already know?
Have we unwittingly stepped on the set of a motion picture, projected on a screen which is but another shady curtain of obscurity? These questions and more will be explored on the next episode, but we’re out of time. Moving at light-speed, you know! C you later.
Bell’s theorem strikes now, and so the moment make moves toward the next attraction, the Hall of Infinite Mirrors.
Please exit simultaneously in all possible directions. Go that-away!
I built my palace on quicksand and silt
Using rubber struts and pillars of guilt
A red-tape door with a paperclip latch
Ok, I give up, now who’s got a match?
Then I staked my claim on a land mine field
Not much to look at, but a hell of a yield
The overhead’s low and profits sky-high!
So who cares if we’re bleeding the planet dry?
Yes, I’m a person by legal fiction
Your friendly global corporation
I was never elected
And never crowned
But I’m running the world
Running the world
Right into the ground
Look, I earn my keep peddling false hopes
Don’t ask how I sleep, man, it ain’t easy to cope
If you only knew about my panic attacks
What if those sheep want their fleeces back?
I paved my highway over a pile of rust
Using good intentions and misplaced trust
There’s only one exit, at the end of the line
Half a smile past the Abandon Hope sign
Oh, I’m a person by legal fiction
Your friendly global corporation
I was never elected
And never crowned
But I’m running the world
Running the world
Right into the ground
And these activists, they get in my way
What the hell are they protesting anyway?
Don’t they know how it goes, just pass the buck
We own the politicians, so best of luck!
Think you have problems? Check out this graph!
Those earnings ought to be good for a laugh
Look, the brokers deserve some dividends
To comfort them when the sky descends
For I’m a person by legal fiction
Your friendly global corporation
I was never elected
And never crowned
But I’m running the world
Running the world
Right into the ground
I went to see the guru
To score some destiny
Just enough to tide me through
‘Til I could fix my color TV
Come now, let us rival Nature
We’ll build on banks between the rivers
Watch us wall off every danger
Save our stores from starving strangers
Let us set the price of pleasure
Catch our cut from every acre
Tally all the Earthbound treasures
For we only own what we can measure
Add a bigger buffer
Around multiplying structures
Divide them up then conquer
Such are the axioms of Empire
Ever hungrier for power
Seeking new realms to devour
Fending off the final hour
As the axe falls on the Empire
These decrees define the letters
Lines confining willful workers
All will cultivate our cultures
For only we’ll have any answers
Ordered echoes yoke the future
Designing minds to be their bearer
Wooden actors pose as rulers
On strings of plundered lucre
We face foregone foreclosure
Debt embedded in the architecture
For those who seek to be Earth’s master
Summon forth disaster even faster
Add a bigger buffer
Around multiplying structures
Divide them up then conquer
Such are the axioms of Empire
Ever hungrier for power
Seeking new realms to devour
Fending off the final hour
As the axe falls on the Empire
Say, I hear you play air guitar
Like a million-dollar rock-star
Yeah, swinging that axe and looking sharp
But can you tease the untouchable harp?
Can you gesture forth eerie arias
Worthy of unseen phantom operas
Can you conduct concertos
Plucked from thin air
Do you dare the instrument
That isn’t really there?
You play it with a wave
Amplitude and oscillation
That’s all it takes
To surf those good vibrations
Stringless space
Tracing vapor’s song
There’s gremlins in the theremin
What could possibly go wrong?
And when you’re all alone
In the chaos zone of the etherphone
Where shapes of sound are shown
Fourier waves of volume and tone
On marionette strings of energy
Naked hands generating melodies
Like a flash of sorcery
You play it with a wave
Amplitude and oscillation
That’s all it takes
To surf those good vibrations
Stringless space
Tracing vapor’s song
There’s gremlins in the theremin
What could possibly go wrong?
Tuning the vast sonar ocean
To tones of lunar emotions
Gradients of shrill variation
Always on the edge of implosion
Theremin, you mind-bender!
Full of unsung songs to render
You’re the sailor they’ll remember
When the bombs are marked return to sender
And the airborne corps all surrender
You play it with a wave
Amplitude and oscillation
That’s all it takes
To surf those good vibrations
Stringless space
Tracing vapor’s song
There’s gremlins in the theremin
What could possibly go wrong?
Crazy Bear said you gotta flip your lid
If you want to see the other side
Peer past the grids and pyramids
Where the pattern gets magnified
And amplified
As the sirens sigh
There’s so much more than meets the eye
Oh crystal ball
Oh crystal ball
They’re all cracked up at the oracle
Said always choose an alternative
And when in doubt, just be decisive
Oh, sure, the signals are clear and loud
Bet on the horses riding the clouds
I met her down at the nebula’s edge
Plasma mandalas all around
She asked if I could spare some space
For we’ve run out of ground
Out of ground
We fell spellbound
In torus twine
Wrapped around the grand design
We were on the same kind of vibe
Frequency freaks tuning in
Decided we must be two of a tribe
So we took our world out for a spin
For a spin
Wound up within
Spiral vortex skies
Plenty bright but none too wise
Oh crystal ball
Oh crystal ball
They’re all cracked up at the oracle
Said always choose an alternative
And when in doubt, just be decisive
Oh, sure, the signals are clear and loud
Bet on the horses riding the clouds
History sure ain’t what it used to be
Jaded and riddled with stray blasé
Today is living out a parody
The past getting so passé
So passé
It’s gone away
Like yesterday’s pie
But there’s so much more than meets the eye
Diogenes went a-hunting for an honest man
Said I’ll surely find one if I can
I’ve been all up and down this land
But I’ve never seen the real deal first-hand
All of the balance and none of the check
About as fair as you might expect
Cork popping on the bottleneck
Dealing from the bottom of half-stacked decks
Northbound suddenly heading south
Two truths coming from a single mouth
Didn’t know the world was so flexible
It’s absolutely incredible
I carry a lamp by the broad light of day
Hunting for new ways to disobey
Heckling authority is my real forte
Scraping by on panhandler’s pay
I’ve heard words that beggar belief
Raised in defense of a millionaire thief
Hiding behind a gold fig leaf
But the two-bit hustler gets no relief
I’ve been to bordellos and boardrooms
I’ve seen manure spruced with perfume
Everywhere wolves pull on costumes of wool
To fool the sheep they’re getting set to consume
Northbound suddenly heading south
Two truths coming from a single mouth
Didn’t know the world was so flexible
It’s absolutely incredible
Maybe we’ll strike platinum
Or at least some silver shekels
Fortune’s a pendulum
Hitting all the pits and the pinnacles
They call it a windfall
Because wealth is ephemeral
Oh we’re gonna make it rain
We’re gonna make it flood
So better get up on the high ground
Or be knee-deep in the mud
If you’ll trade your soul for treasure
You’ve got a solid claim on neither
Betting big on a hand of symbols
Pocket full of intangibles
Always playing on principles
However the cards may shuffle
The treasure belongs
To those who go all night long
For the sake of the song
Northbound suddenly heading south
Two truths coming from a single mouth
Didn’t know the world was so flexible
It’s absolutely incredible
Absolutely incredible
I must admit I love
Even the way she lies
Rolling her eyes and heaving her sighs
Tuned-up and spit-shined
All wound up and out of her mind
Not a thought in her head
About the pricetags of play
That’s okay
She doesn’t pay ’em anyway
Reckoning clings
On frostbitten wings
Tiara’s sparkling, you know what that means
It’s no surprise to any eyes who have seen
Someone shoot for the moon and miss
Stricken with courage from a lion’s kiss
Sailing on storms of bliss
Suspended in a bubble
Inside a tide of rubble
On sound-studded lightening lit clouds
Looming long and rumbling loud
Oh beautiful America
Your makeup is smeared
Is that oil on your face
Or foreign orphan’s tears?
Oh the buzzing in the crowd
As miss high and flighty tumbles
Wings mangled but head unbowed
Tresses tangled in her soiled shroud
Misguided expeditions endowed
With the force of the humbled
And the curse of the proud
Oh beautiful America
Your makeup is smeared
Is that oil on your face
Or foreign orphan’s tears?
She struts upon stage for an hour
Wrapped in flags and flanked by tanks
Giddy with glory and drunk on power
Under the thumb of plutocratic banks
A noble enough experiment
But what has become self-evident
Is that she’s heading for a fall
Because America promised freedom for all
In the form of worldwide shopping malls
Pearls before swine, they’re mine all mine
The call of an Empire in steep decline
Oh beautiful America
Your makeup is smeared
Is that oil on your face
Or foreign orphan’s tears?