Songs from the musical play for the stage….
Songs from the musical play for the stage….
It all began innocently enough
Like an out-of-hand poker bluff
Improvised ad-libbed alibis
Losing track of the runaway lies
Little white slips of omission
Piled in a tinderbox awaiting ignition
Making way for stray flames bound
To torch our totems down to the ground
It may seem an abdication
A way to duck an altercation
I owe a ton of explanations
But it’s too sunny for a spat
So you’ll have to take
A raincheck on that
When Echo rode up on a shiny pony
I knew a door was slamming shut
Her purfume smelled of alimony
Oozing tons of I don’t know what
Painted into a corner
By shady evasive maneuvers
No broad brush is fit to cover
The graffiti left by other lovers
It may seem an abdication
A way to duck an altercation
I owe a ton of explanations
But it’s too sunny for a spat
So you’ll have to take
A raincheck on that
Hatchets buried under tons of dirt
Just let it slide and no one gets hurt
This molehill’s much too deep to desert
And I’ll be glad to get out with my shirt
Oh, I know I’m courting disaster
Hell, that’s half the adventure
But until they cure human nature
I’m split in two loving both of you
When Eris asked young Paris
For what will you be embarrassed?
Is it power or wit or lady’s love
Well, he chose the loveliest on earth or above
And for that Troy was destroyed and lost
So who knows what loving you might cost
It may seem an abdication
A way to duck an altercation
I owe a ton of explanations
But it’s too sunny for a spat
So you’ll have to take
A raincheck on that
With a breath does it begin
Djinn origin original Djinn
Invisibly indivisible
Djinn origin original Djinn
As the serpent sheds another skin
Djinn origin original Djinn
Exposing hidden dimensions within
Djinn origin original Djinn!
Read more: Djinn You Win
Yes, I’d like to Order Chaos, with an extra bun
As I am a very strict heretical Discordian nun
Buns are forbidden for some stupid reason
By my very Sirius-ly disorganized religion
Yes, let us roast and toast the Sacred Chao
Cause now is Zen and Zen is now
Step right up and select your illusion
Hail Eris and pass the confusion!
Read more: Pass The Confusion
Once a couple withheld an invitation
From Eris due to Her bad reputation
They wanted to host a quiet affair
And thought it best if She weren’t there
The Goddess of Discord took great offense
Tired of always being barred from events
Her social calendar in complete disarray
With nothing at all to do on that day
Read more: Golden Apple
I met him pike hoses
In protean pantomimes
Where the meta juxtaposes
And where the mystery rhymes
It takes a special kind of crazy
To host a ghost in stride
Ride you like a pale pookah
Down to the séance inside
Read more: Ghost Writer Boogie
Now, here comes everybody
And who might this everybody be?
Might it be fair to say you who
You who see and me
All in all, there’s worlds to miss
But I trust there must
Be some use in this
Flurried words overheard
A thousand thundering thoughts
As you scurry off to scribe
Whatever goods could be caught
Embers smolder hearth-broken
Our dream has awoken
We fall and we wake
In the wake of daily falls
Unclear clarion calls
Coming from under the coveralls
Read more: Here Comes Everybody
I’m not trying to rise to sainthood
Nor vying for a Nobel prize
I plan to be good and misunderstood
So here’s a word or two for the wise
My miracles are mighty meager
Y’all better bring your own wine
Yes, I’ve been known to walk on water
But only in the winter time
Read more: Sugar Coated
Fire in the wax museum
Effigies melting down
But the fever’s just a symptom
Of what’s ailing this town
The fountain’s spoutin’ oil
The mountain’s slick with grease
The river’s fixin’ to boil
And the valley knows no peace
Read more: Trojan Horse
Oh, scenes of the future, beckoning the past
And there’s no reckoning if this new hope will last
Not much sense dwelling in dreams
But I harbor no doubt what that was about
For I spell out what frequently seem
Obvious omens rippling in the stream
Read more: Inkblot Kettlepot
Hippies and quotidians
Pentagons and Discordians
Primates of all ages and evolutionary stages
On the nonstop red-eye express from the womb to the tomb
The ride of our lives aboard the great vehicle
This plane’s been hijacked we’re under attack
And if you didn’t already know that
I’m afraid you don’t know Jack
We begin with a breath and end in a gasp
And that’s as much as some may grasp
Nothing to mourn, we’re all Being reborn
And that which clings will surely be torn
So how did we happen to meet at this play
And what’s this madman trying to say
About this Original Joke anyway?
Something to do with discord shaking dreams to the core
And how awarding some dumb apple once started a war
For a door cracked open on an incredible deed
Predictably undone by vanity and greed
Between the lines there’s plenty to read
As inside every apple reside infinite seeds
The difference between comedy and tragedy
Is primarily a matter of proximity
After the laughter has faded we’ll see
That levity is just the flip side of gravity
Oh, yes, a big cosmic joke, and we’re the butts
So not being crazy would be a little bit nuts
But if anything’s greater than the reaper’s grim rap
It’s the capacity to greet it with humor intact
Sometimes I’m racking up my frequent crier miles
So won’t you excuse me while I repaint my smile
I’m not trying to rise to sainthood
Nor vying for a Nobel prize
I plan to be good and misunderstood
So here’s a word or two for the wise
My miracles are mighty meager
Y’all better bring your own wine
Yes, I’ve been known to walk on water
But only in the winter time
Oh, sugar-coated half-truths
Go better with a shaker of salt
And if you wind up in Heaven
It ain’t gonna be my fault
Do us all a big favor
You can thank yourself later
Better be, better be your own savior
Because you’ve seen a side of me
You might think you’ve seen it all
Relegate me to the role you see
As if anyone were that small
I’ve been confused for my depictions
A case of mistaken identity
Yes, it’s true, I do fit the description
But no, that doesn’t even cover me
Yes, sugar-coated half-truths
Go better with a shaker of salt
And if you wind up in Heaven
It ain’t gonna be my fault
Do us all a big favor
You can thank yourself later
Better be, better be your own savior
Wouldn’t be caught dead in chain-mail
No, knighthood is not for me
Not on a hunt for some bloody Grail
And I say leave the dragons be
Oh, I’ll serve my head on a platter
If that’s what the music craves
For love of what truly matters
Carried away in the carrier waves
Just a Mariachi for your courtships
In this moment we all designed
Songs on my lips as I’m gathering tips
And leaving a little peace on my mind
For sugar-coated half-truths
Go better with a shaker of salt
And if you wind up in Heaven
It ain’t gonna be my fault
Do us all a big favor
You can thank yourself later
Better be, better be your own savior
Better be, better be your own savior